Last seen: Dec 6, 2024
George, While I appreciate your concerns, I am not going to censor foul language from my work for one simple reason. The way it is used is in line ...
As Gary pointed out, the doctor's assessment is actually correct. Hyperthermia occurs in humid environments at around 60 celsius. Granted there are pe...
I'd like to preface my comments with a statement. I'm not trying to argue anything. I'm just trying to share my line of thinking with everyone. Right ...
Y'all are making me feel guilty.
I wrestled with this during the conceptual stage, but then I got to thinking. We drive in cars knowing that it only takes one guy to cross the double-...
Although I'm sure the authors you read appreciate your support, I don't think its necessary. As a reader, if Kindle Unlimited works for you, that is f...
I think the problem comes from not understanding what happens when they jump. When they jump, they are still traveling on the same course and at the s...
I reduced the price of episodes 1, 2, & 3 back down to $2.99, since they are the only three that are below 80,000 words in length. (77k, 60k, &...
I tried dictating for the first 3 chapters of book 13, and according to my beta-readers and proofreaders, it made my writing suck. (I rambled on.) So ...
Wayne: I had thought of trailing the battle platform with the kkv, but I figured that since they only had a limited number, and they had no way of kno...
Mid-February, unfortunately. The dictation thing just isn't working out for me. Changes my style too much.
If you can gather 100 random members of the military, put them under fire, and have not one of them swear (including the f-bomb) then I'll clean up th...
All speculation aside, I simply do not like "all you can consume" subscription models. I don't write to be an artist, I write to make a living, and su...
I'm not too keen on aggregators like Smashwords or D2D. I've heard too many stories about problems getting titles taken down, and I don't like how Sma...
The three biggest problems with KU (from an author's perspective) are: 1. It requires exclusivity. 2. There is no way of knowing what the payout r...
There is no way to predict what the properties of planets, moons, and other objects in space will be. We once believed that our system was the model o...
You are correct on all counts, Curt. Which is exactly why I am usually quite vague about the actual numbers such as speed, rate of closure, etc... You...
The KKVs (which are modified Takaran Comm-Drones) are about the size of a railroad car. They were already mounted on the underside of the scouts in ep...
I appreciate your concerns, however this site was never intended to be smart-phone friendly. The amount of graphics and maps and such that I have plan...
I spell it wrong every time as well. (Gah-tah-ZHAHK)
And if they missed? Or if the platform folded space just before impact? Earth is on that very same trajectory.
They jumped toward the only target they were lucky enough to have. It was either that, or wait even longer for another object to line up to allow them...
For the Karuzara to be at it's most effective it needs to be close to Earth, not far. Also, the collision with the battle platform, which was more of ...
Glynn, I'm afraid you have your history of Dumar mixed up. He was in charge of the counter insurgency forces on Corinair. He had no hand in the attack...
More like 3 1/2 hours. The proofreader busted hump and got it finished early.
Keep your eyes open. It's coming out ahead of the countdown clock.
Keep your eyes open. It's coming out ahead of the countdown clock.
The elevators behind medical feed the lower decks, and yes, there will be more deck plans later.
I am HOPING for the 17th. I am expecting the manuscript back from the final proofreader any day now, and once I get it back, it takes about a week to ...
What good is a destroyed world to a race that are scavengers of resources and technology? Destroying the civilization that exists there is one thing. ...