Ryk Brown
Illustrious Member
Joined: Sep 20, 2013
Last seen: Dec 6, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 354
RE: Fact check: Earth population

That was definitely on purpose. I wanted three things. > A sense of familiarity, or a connection to the story, and the ability to empathize with...

9 years ago
RE: Fact check: Propellant

The books never identify what the propellant is, or where it is from, only where it is made. There is a moment where Vladimir discusses differences be...

9 years ago
RE: Josh's Vernacular

Live in Britain, you develop a British accent. You'll notice changes in the way a lot of characters' syntax. Those who spoke Angla used far more prope...

9 years ago
RE: Fact check: Earth population

The Earth's population at the time of the invention of FTL travel was around 20 billion. In addition, there were several million living on Mars, and a...

9 years ago
RE: Fact check: Jump Drive

We (the characters) understand how the engineering in the jump drive works, as well as what causes the jump. We just don't understand the 'why' (physi...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 15 Countdown

The biggest problem I had with episode 13 was finding a place to end it. The Tau Ceti thread (which started the moment Jessica and friends splashed do...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 15 Countdown

I'm desperately trying to make a release by late November, but it's not looking promising. Episode 15 is turning out to be the hardest one to write. I...

9 years ago
RE: Asteroid shipyards and the OAP

You also have to consider that even with mutliple cold-coasts, it would be difficult to get good intel on the inner Tau Ceti system. With two full Jun...

9 years ago
RE: Asteroid shipyards and the OAP

Alliyana is sort of a hybrid. It has an asteroid core, inside of which are all the shops, hangar bays, flight ops, power generation, life-support, bla...

9 years ago
RE: Frontiers Saga Timeline

In the next iteration of this site, we plan on moving everything behind a firewall. To get past the firewall, you will need to be a member and be on t...

9 years ago
RE: Expanded System

I new 3D star map system is being worked on. It will display ALL stars, not just the ones of interest.

9 years ago
RE: Crew Accomodations

All of the above. As you said, officers have private quarters, usually closer to their departments. (Since they are never really 'off duty'.) The cap...

9 years ago
RE: Scout Ships ,fast attack craft.

Gunboat/Gunship = An standard ship with a lot of guns, and could be anything smaller than a frigate but larger than a scout ship. Fast Attack Gunship...

9 years ago
RE: Frontiers Saga Wiki

I have hired someone to comb through the episodes to collect data for a real wiki. After I finish part 1, I will be helping with that process, includi...

9 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and the Frontiers Saga

Touchy subject. For the record: I have nothing against anyone's sexual preferences. (Excluding pedophiles.) What ever floats your boat is fine with m...

9 years ago
RE: Character Bio's

When I started writing episode 1, I had (and still have) photos (head shots from some Canadian agency) of people that looked like how I saw the charac...

9 years ago
RE: Pressure shield

Even if the tech existed, it would be a foolish thing to employ, especially on a combat vessel. In the first draft of episode 4, I used artificial gr...

9 years ago
RE: Alternative uses for jump tech

Keep in mind that shields do stop incoming physical objects up to a point. If there is enough kinetic energy in the incoming object (and we're talking...

9 years ago
RE: Part 1 special edition

The changes will only be typos and such, like the incorrect version of 'too/two/to', etc... You would not notice these in the audio books. Nothing w...

9 years ago
RE: Vote on the next Episode "Action Scene" Illustration

The Takaran comm-drones were designed to only drop out of FTL three times per interrupt attempt without confirmation from the hailing ship when it was...

9 years ago
RE: Aurora Bridge

There are still some adjustments to be made, however I asked them to post what they had for now. Yes, the tactical station should be a little taller,...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

Assuming the blast would be equal to a tactical nuke, I expect the collateral damage to be considerably worse than with rail guns. If you look at the ...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

I would expect that it would take quite a few mini-KKVs to destroy a planet. But why would you want to? And I can't imagine that you would want to do ...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

A breach anywhere in the ship causes primary bulkhead pressure doors to automatically close and seal, main hangar bay included. As to the second ques...

9 years ago
RE: Heads up - Mailing list signup broken on Kindle

I passed this on to the webmasters. (I'm not geeky enough to fix it.) FYI, a single signup should be sufficient. Thanks for letting me know of the p...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

Outer doors are armored, inner doors are not. However, neither would withstand a direct shot from anything mark two or higher, so yes, a Super Falcon'...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

The idea that the AM event dumped additional energy into the jump fields was a theory, but not proven. So was the idea that they might have jumped for...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

If they are at close enough range to use the plasma cannon to destroy a ship (and not just damage it) then they are probably so close that the antimat...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

Your second assumption is incorrect. The nuclear detonations had nothing to do with the Aurora's jump. They were simply to mask her jump flash from Ju...

9 years ago
RE: Question for Ryk

The systems that control the jump drive are not located in the bridge, they are located in the compartment where the jump field generators are housed....

9 years ago
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