Last seen: Jan 9, 2025
I would be very surprised if Siltek didn't have a very large underground construction facility, possibly large enough to produce cobra sized gunships ...
Marcus is a very interesting character. The SilTik, sim trap was a surprise for me, but the lack of reaction from Jess was out of character. The negot...
that will teach me to hit refresh before posting!!!
Mid May!!! Ryk though it would be out soon - which means that either we have revisions or it's nearly done! Next week we should all start the is it do...
Update to Ryks Log. my take on it is: Amazon unlimited is bad for self publishers, Ryk is going to systematically pull out of it. Netcasts will be ...
so they added speeds which gave the ship more power generally. new emitters for the jump drive to extend range, and new energy banks to push it out fu...
If he was it gives him a good reason to come back swinging at the KA!
I joined the subreddit... to be fair this website has suffered for not being given update posts from ryk and the team. I would post 1st on your own si...
I need a re-read of part 2. I can't remember the battles all that well. and I should! I love that ship!
I have read book 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the wheel of time since reading Retaliation. I am a slow reader, but I have a lot of time on my hands... and that's ...
probably a stupid suggestion what with everything going on in the universe, but isn't it time for Nathan to have people over for dinner? also, am I ri...
you too Jay! I'm not commenting as much at the moment as I don't really know what to expect next! I just know I want it and I can't get enough of it!
What's next for the crews of the Karuzari Alliance? We have 5 books left in this part, I guess we will resolve the Dushan arch, but the Sol and Jung t...
two people can have the same first name. just drop a one liner in the next book "I thought he was at X" , "No, You're thinking of another Siggy, this ...
Fin and Love it! Nathan is scary cool! Pritchett is a badass! The missile boats carry 16 missiles only??? seems light - then they go to work. very coo...
it's up
well colour me excited!!!
I think that's a link about as bad as your Segway
So as far as I can tell from Facebook - which I am less able to work then I would have expected, the release date for the next book is mid October, an...
2x months since the last released book. retaliation update?
Retaliation is the name of the next book. sound off, is this going to be the Dusahn, Jung, Sol Alliance, Karuzari, or those other worlds we were intro...
Random guess. 16th November for the next episode to be released. In the battle of Rakuen, who won really? Aurora crew seriously banged up. point defe...
this book all happens in the course of like a week, so it progresses some story elements a little, it's part of a series not a movie, so we havfe to c...
something to look forward to in the later books perhaps?
Thats the thing, with kkv's and the new shieldbreaking tech, large ships are just easy targets
I figured that if we replace that battleship with a heavy cruiser, and that heavy cruiser jumped to one of the planet's it would make more sense - but...
They are the underdog. I think it's more about the other systems out there realising that it's either Alliance or Jung, those are the two options
so I think the next book will be released in October. I'm looking forward to it!!!
I recon it would be better to catch him on camera saying he did it, then pulling a gun, shooting him dead, kill the camera and then say it.