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Joined: Aug 4, 2014
Topics: 0 / Replies: 54
RE: Nuclear Radiation on Earth

@Melanie, I doubt that earth has been devastated. I think it was pushed enough to loose much of its industrial capacity, but not to the brink of apoca...

10 years ago
RE: --Official-- Website/Forum Change Log

FYI I am using a css addon for chrome and this worked quite well for me: p + div.et_quote { margin-top:27px } It worked even better with #posts p,...

10 years ago
RE: Couple things

According to Ryk, Aurora designed like a ~Kinder egg, you got the massive layered armor on the outside, with the actual ship on the inside i.e. a self...

10 years ago
RE: Alternative uses for jump tech

The idea of a jump capable suit made me wonder what other uses there might be for a jump drive if it was possible to be able to make very small jump d...

10 years ago
RE: Couple things

Dispute away! Biggest problem is hitting the target at all, but also, the problem with high speed projectiles, is that they usually just penetrate the...

10 years ago
RE: Other SF Books (while we're waiting)

As for other books, I loved “the lost fleet” series from Jack Campbell, especially since similar to Ryk he tries to keep the tactics true as we would ...

10 years ago
RE: The Defender Class

If BV-01/02 were to simply be destroyed, they would not need a artist sketch, and since he did take the time and funds to get that second sketch, I do...

10 years ago
RE: The Defender Class

Did everyone notice Ryk put six Defender class ship patches up on here? So the discussion about 4 or 6 Defender-class ships has been settled by the M...

10 years ago
RE: What is in the Darvano System

@Apoc, you are right. Not sure what this 'class three' (probably better than anything on earth), but it put us back on track for auxiliary ship! which...

10 years ago
RE: What is in the Darvano System

Another smaller based would make sense (*searching* its actually called the 'Yamaro base' in EP7). With this and Ryk ~practically endorsing it above, ...

10 years ago
RE: The Jessica Nash body count thread.

Nash fan club sign me in :). Although I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed, that with all the love her article received no love at all and is ...

10 years ago
RE: --Official-- Website/Forum Change Log

I hate how the quotes dry fucking the text after them. If possible to update the forum css code, please add a little margin-top to the quote class.

10 years ago
RE: What is in the Darvano System

I don’t see the Yamaro being fixed. The list of things that still work on the Yamaro is the fabricators, power plants, life support, crew accommodatio...

10 years ago
RE: What is in the Darvano System

I am not sure what you guys are arguing about, but going back to the last page. IMHO the idea that Karuzara will pop in Sol as a mobile asteroid bas...

10 years ago
RE: The Jung Perspective

Was my description of them as 'parasites' too strong or just no one cares about the Jung perspective? Because from what I recall they are not just c...

10 years ago
RE: Fabricators

"It is just that recently the 3D printers have got to the point that we can miniaturize them for home use, and they are affordable enough that some pe...

10 years ago
RE: Fabricators

To be honest the only revolutionary thing about '3D printers' is the underlying concept of additive manufacturing, other than that they are mostly toy...

10 years ago
RE: Couple things

Hi Ryk, Any chance you can add a summary of whats gone before to the start of each book. The series is now up to 11 books, and unless I keep re-readin...

10 years ago
RE: The Jung Perspective

Nah. A chapter or two at most. I have no patience for oppressors. There are too many of them in RL, I don’t want to read their justifications in my...

11 years ago
RE: An Interesting Short Film About FTL

Looks good, although the passing light effect is a bit excessive, way way way too dense. Kind of a cool video. I like the sets, they looked modern ...

11 years ago
RE: Boarding Pod

A better concept would be to jump in a device at an angle to the target and have it jump away as it makes contact with the target, in much the same wa...

11 years ago
RE: Earth FTL Recon ships

iirc Jump drive transitions between two points, ignoring shields but not things with big mass in its way. While FTL could't do either. So the extra en...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 381
RE: New Concept Art

New stuff on the concept art page: Nice concepts. Btw I can't but notice that the good guys are in blue, and the bad in red 😉 ---- I have a lot o...

11 years ago
RE: Military Tactics

Could also be that the curved nature of the Explorer class, makes shells that hit less likely to do as much damage with railguns, but missiles explode...

11 years ago
RE: Military Tactics

Been thinking about that one. How about this attack. Start 10 light minutes out. Fire all light speed weapons. Yes, this first batch will be weak ...

11 years ago
RE: Ryk Brown Audio Interview

Oh bozhe moi! you turned this into tech support thing.. Obviously the audio file at Mixcloud isn't corrupted, because it works for everyone else, and ...

11 years ago
RE: Fabricators

We don't need to go as far as completely automated miningproduction operations, regardless you have to realize that 'jump drive' + 'fabricators' combi...

11 years ago
RE: Ryk Brown Audio Interview

Worked fine for me with a similar setup, maybe try the direct link to the hosting site

11 years ago
RE: Aurora Herself

[...] you start to realize that when you consider everything that IS onboard it’s surprising that she isn’t bigger. Thanks for the overview of Aurora...

11 years ago
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