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Joined: Jun 5, 2014
Last seen: Feb 17, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 17
6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 459
RE: Scott-Nash Child?

Ooph, that depends. I don't know what the consensus here with everyone else is regarding that, but personally I would not like that kind of thing add...

7 years ago
RE: Episode 7 " Who Takes No Risk" Discussion *Spoilers*

Oh, god. I hope they don't get the chance to pull that. Last thing we need is an empire like the Jung, with their sizable infrastructure and military,...

7 years ago
RE: Episode 7 " Who Takes No Risk" Discussion *Spoilers*

Yeah, it seems to have gone super quiet over the last ~2 years. I can see that as a conflict with Giliardi as well. He's going to have to play things...

7 years ago
RE: I need spoilers

I'm personally fine with the level their relationship sits at. Not really ever to thrilled by the love-story/romance subplots in stories.

7 years ago
RE: Models?

That's awesome! what resolution is the printer?

7 years ago
RE: Fan Art: I Made The Eagle!

Alright, I'm back, and with an update! I was busy for a brief time, but had time today. I took the comments and made some alterations to the central f...

8 years ago
RE: Fan Art: I Made The Eagle!

@four-islands Remember that the Eagle while being based on a lift body plane is actually a space fighter. Don’t be afraid of making it a little more ...

8 years ago
RE: Fan Art: I Made The Eagle!

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I know it's not very active around here between episodes, but I was hoping do get much needed feedback on the design ...

8 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 1280
Replies: 1
Views: 427
RE: Models?

Well... I'm currently working on a 3D computer model of the Eagle right now haha. Not quite what you're looking for. I am a 3D hobbyist in Cinema 4D a...

8 years ago
RE: Episode 14 SPOILERS and Finale Predictions

I'd love to see the Defender Class make a return. Or at least plans for them.

10 years ago
RE: Netcasts

I was wondering if that was new or not, because I hadn't seen anyone say anything on the forums. Oh and also. Indeed, Very interesting!!!

10 years ago
RE: Campaign and other Medals.

I don't remember if this was mentioned at all in episode twelve (I will probably go back and check after typing this), but does everyone in the allian...

10 years ago
RE: What is in the Darvano System

I feel something like a battle station would be quite valuable to the Jung and wouldn't be easily taken, mothballed or not.

11 years ago