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Joined: Sep 15, 2014
Topics: 0 / Replies: 81
RE: Part 2 Publishing Schedule

Nah, it won't come out at 9 PM. In each and every country / time zone, the book will come out at the beginning (0:00:01 local time) of the 26th. I gue...

8 years ago
RE: German translations - end at #3?

Frankly, I'd avoid computer-generated translations like the plague. One word doesn't naturally translate into just one word in another language, and l...

8 years ago
RE: [Spoilers] Fate of the Avendahl

Hmm, having a base of operations is indeed a very good reason to have the occasional big ship in your fleet. Although it must be quite challenging to ...

8 years ago
RE: German translations - end at #3?

Four years isn't that long for studying a language - especially not if you're only learning it at school, with only a couple of hours of instruction p...

8 years ago
RE: [Spoilers] Fate of the Avendahl

That's something I always wonder about. Is bigger truly better? The smaller and faster (and more maneuverable as a consequence) ships must be that muc...

8 years ago
RE: German translations - end at #3?

I mostly agree with four-islands, but with a few differences. Having studied English as a foreign language, I know that it's much easier to translat...

8 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 180
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

The impossibility of such a system is not a matter of "current understanding", it's a matter of physically proven facts that don't match up with the d...

9 years ago
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

The Teacup shaped Gas Giant orbiting a star is a pretty fiction. A gas giant will always be spherical because of the extreme gravity an object that si...

9 years ago
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

It's not a matter of using one system or another, it's a matter of sheer physics. Since you claim that Haven has a cycle where 50% of its time is spe...

9 years ago
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

Sorry, I forgot that tags work differently here than on any other forum I know. For easy reference, this should now finally be the pic I doodled up. H...

9 years ago
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

Haven't checked this thread in ages. Anyhow... I’m sorry, Melanie, but you cannot say that I’m dead wrong. You are basing your perceptions on a singl...

9 years ago
RE: Suggestion: Websitre Revamp

I'd like some reworks, too. First of all, pages take quite long to load - even though I have a good internet connection. (Not company style cutting-e...

9 years ago
RE: Question: Beta Hydri - Souls Transferred

Hehe, the two scientists working for Deliza's little cloning project are said to be from Nifelm... And that one of their clones is ready to receive it...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 2- Rescue : idle speculation thread

As far as I remember, Navarro was on a planet in the Darvano system, most likely Corinair. And, of course, the Avendahl couldn't contact and/or rescue...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 1 Part 2 Thread Spoilers Welcome

Having re-read Escalation, I have to wonder just how many clones of Nathan are around - and whether Connor Tuplo isn't really Nathan Scott. Telles see...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 1 Part 2 Thread Spoilers Welcome

I really liked how you set up this first episode. Sure, it was mostly getting all your chess pieces into position to attack the enemy forces, a lot li...

9 years ago
RE: Arrival Discussion

I guess the problem is that I had some science training, mostly biology and physics. And, well, it's hard to go against what you were taught. In great...

9 years ago
RE: Romance?

The baby isn't related to any of the main characters. (Meaning: Not Nathan, Jess, Cam, Vlad, Tug or Deliza, Josh or Loki, Dumar or anybody else who ev...

9 years ago
RE: Arrival Discussion

I recently read Arrival, and I'm not too impressed. Sure, there were some nice tidbits, and the description of a brand new planet added a lot of fasci...

9 years ago
RE: Hypothetical Colony

Ashalla’s oxygen comes from its ecosystem. I direct your attention to my summary and the mention of “edible indigenous vegetation that was compatible ...

9 years ago
RE: Hypothetical Colony

One question: Where does Ashalla's oxygen come from? Seems like a stupid question, but O2 is a very reactive substance that tends to react with all k...

9 years ago
RE: Colonization expeditions

LOL, so true! Now these 10000 humans get dumped on a plant that resembles earth. (Love that typo, by the way. 😀 ) I don't think that 10 k people...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 15 Thread *Spoilers Welcome*

1) What Dumar tells Nathan is most likely the thing about the pre-programmed jump KKVs. (I only realized that when I re-read the story, to be honest.)...

9 years ago
RE: Format of ep15

ETA: It seems the new format I got happened thanks to amazon customer service, not thanks to Ryk. Oops. Anyway, it still helps. I should have checked ...

9 years ago
RE: Format of ep15

Amazon customer service told me they'd reimburse me for my kindle should I choose to send it back to them. Told them it was not an option. Anybody wi...

9 years ago
RE: Format of ep15

True enough. I just fiddled with various settings (font, line spacing), but nothing changed. However, when I opened the book on my Windows Kindle App,...

9 years ago
RE: Format of ep15

I'm not using Kindle unlimited, but pre-ordered and downloaded your book within about 15 minutes of it being available. I use a kindle paqerwhite. Ma...

9 years ago
RE: Haven and other inhabited moons

I think it was Jupiter that had some of its bigger moons within its own magnetosphere, so the moon is protected by its planet against radiation/cosmic...

9 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 729
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