Last seen: Jan 9, 2025
Ryk put on a red hat and grow out your beard! You are certainly in the holiday spirit!!! Thank you and Happy Holidays!!! Of course now I'm not going ...
In the absence of evidence, based on Ryk's history, I'm expecting the release to be on the 28th at the same X hour local time for each timezone (if th...
pre-order complete... I have been buzzing with the last half hour about that! - Wierd & Wonderful
Not yet out on but I can wait and pre-order closer to the day. Thank you Ryk
Ryk, Can we expect to see more naval academy stuff like the old Tanna Cobra base? Can we expect to meet the officers who fly Cobra's now that there ...
The best bits 🙂
No @rykbrown, I think you did - with Rescue.
I see it as a language issue. Say Nathans Memories form an English text file. Connor speaks French. There is a relationship between the two languages,...
I think that they put everything that was Nathan into Connor after 2 years so there was little to no decay. Connor's Brain Pathways were different to...
@dsroyall56 Yeah, a couple of us found Escalation a little flat. Rescue makes up for it. They read a lot better as a double length episode. Tuplo coul...
I'm concerned with the fact that no one was really pushing the rescue the new clone. And what with the Clone just sitting there waiting to be discover...
Could have been from scans taken of Alliance ships in battle or in secret transported by ftl drone. Could have been from Dubnck Could have been from...
Corinair had an extensive satellite grid and the Jung have reason to use those to watch the movements of People. The Jung have a lot of experience pl...
Considering that the Jung that took Takara and Corinair with a fleets of jump ships, and with Jump Fighters and troop transports, I can only assume th...
Well not Vlad, even though he does often talk about home in that red shirt kind of way...
Episodes 1 & 2 taken together are much better then just episode 1 on its own. We had just spent ep 8-15 in a heightened state of war, for Episod...
Released in Ireland just now / midnight local GOING READING!!! "Captain Tuplo..."
That's mostly because Ryk Releases it early though... isn't it?
And the Title of Ep.4 is "God Damn, that Beard suits you!" 🙂
The Corinarians used the Yamaros & an asteroid in they're system to make a shuttle refurbishment facility, upgrading shuttles to have jump capabil...
Release pegged for the end of September - Pre-order in the next few days
If you found out that you were the clone of the biggest hero of our time and that that hero is needed again, so people need to upload his or her memor...
To the Betterment of the story!!!
They Tranked it (I like to think that it was to busy swimming in circles! and that if asked by the guards what they were doing with the wine that th...
We don't know a whole pile about Josh's Parentage - we can only assume that based on the fact his mom was sold into the Haven indentured workforce and...
Oh My Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster!!! Drop Everything!!! Intergalactic Asteroid Football is within our grasp!!!
ZPEDs have a field similar to gravity - it attracts objects travelling in jump. Takaran shields interfered with the initial prototype jump field. Wha...
Yeah... Its amazing how you can read an entire episode through without sleeping and then have to call in sick to work the next day... Rereading the s...
@sapient Even at his worst Ryk has been better then GRRM at his best for releasing on time. And as a reader and a GOT fan - Too soon dude... too soon...
I studied German between age 13-17 and barely remember a word of it... so I'm out. Languages just aren't my strong suit... but people who can speak mu...