Last seen: Sep 19, 2024
I would love to print the aurora for my collection
anyone have 3d print files for any of these ships?
Is there a link to pre order this book
Dr. Strangelove
This is something I would buy
First of all I loved the book, but it would be helpful if you had page breaks when changing perspectives during the battles
thanks for the update Ryk
get the whips out on the proofreaders lol. great series cant wait
ok I am having some serious withdrawl here, drooling, chewing on my arm...that sort of thing. take your time ryk but hurry
I forgot all about the Yamaro.
lay it on us ryk my memorys may be wrong but didn't abbys father not really know how it worked, it just did.
The shockwave itself would stun some ground forces, could be an advantage to an assault on a base.
just be sure to keep as much creative control as you can.
My 2 cents about the Celestia that she will be shipped with the data cores to the Pentaurus cluster. This would be the most logical thing to be done a...
I agree that any plot lines are off limits, but any maps and deck plans would be awesome.
it just hit me that the situation with eli and Nathan parallels tug and his brother
i am ok with the yamaro one, it helped move the story along and added some tension to the situation.
Love the design, so glad the site is up.