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(Spoliers) Episode 8 Disscusion

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Lord Dushan described his trap as being to plant a target for the Alliance, himself on Takara unprotected. Then plant his previously captured fleets of other small empires in nearby sectors and use those to attack the Alliance when they turn up.

As part of setting the trap he will attack Reuken with the fleet he had at Takara hence exposing his own weakened state there. That attack should come in book 9.

The Cargo ship and Tanker were a test case to see if the Dushan could get Intel to the Zaruzari in a timely manner that they would trust enough to commit resouces too. No one liked the Intel. But it worked and might lead to more higher risk missions from the same spurs - who could confirm Tamara weak state described above

The captured cargo ship and refuelling tanker were both boarded by the Gatazahk. They likely killed all aboard. One ship was spotted by a reaper the other likely was the one that jumped in silently behind Aiden's Cobra before he jumped away. Its annoying but we don't get confirmation of that. We only find out that both ships are captured and are after reaching the fleet. It could be a quiet running scout ship tracking the Alliance back to there fleet - but we do not know if that's true or who's it is. I do think we are due some Sol Alliance spying in the PC. I'm thinking that the cobra attack ships the Sol Alliance made have some tracking device on them but it wouldn't make sense where for this to happen where it happened... unless Gillardi has been spying on the Dushan for a few weeks

Sanctury is a big deal to roaming pirates and or long distance traders. They would have a long reach intelagence wise. And a doctor with less ethical quams could take control of such a place with medical nanites or the threat of exposing everyone to viruses or curing them of such and becoming the hero doctor. Either way someone derided to clean the place up a bit from what Marcus described. I'm not saying sanctury is dangerous or not, just very interesting! It could be a lifeline or a death trap.

Max probably sold the jump drive to every one who would buy it. And likely cheaper then
Tweeson, at a time he was trying to set up a deal. He probably is one of those who has access to sanctuary too which could be interesting with the Scott family being there.

Juan C Valentin
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A lot of people (as do I) are wondering about Max's true identity. I wonder if the cloning storyline is going towards moving consciousness from one body to a different host (something like the show "Altered Carbon"). Interesting concept, though I think that would really complicate the stoyline in the long end.. Maybe it won't.. Either way, I really liked how Ryk framed the story on this chapter. I'm sure that wherever the story goes is gonna be awesome.

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Long time reader.. been quiet on the posts for sometime but I just had to post after this episode. I just want to say thanks to Ryk Brown for bringing about all the things I've been hoping/predicting will come:

jump drones
miniaturization of the jump drive
jump capable ghatazak suits
flashless jump drives
and soon.. jump gates (by way of the towing rigs) this will change everything.. commerce, warfare etc..

- max is dubnyk
- the pirate ship will become an alliance ship (all its tech will be incorporated in other shitps; fabricators are awesone).
- the stolen fighter tech will also enhance upgrades on existing ones

here's another idea which I think Ryk is already planning 😉

with the help of the crazy cloner, dr sato and general telles, there will be no more reduction in ghatazak forces. All ghatazak prior to going in to battle will be backed up, maybe incrementally 😉 for ever. If the ghatazak dies the most recent backup is restored to a clone of the ghatazak soldier. Of course this brings up all kinds of philosophical and moral issues. blah blah. in the end the bad guys must be beaten so the line must be crossed. "that which other men cannot do"... remember?

can't wait for the next book. Thank you Mr. Brown.

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