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Overall Series Recap

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Is there a place that has an overall recap of the entire series? I've read all the books, but between the last book and the current one, I read a bunch of other stuff, and now I'm fuzzy on where everything was at when I stopped. I would like to find a place that could summarize all of the major events so that I can come into the latest book up to speed. Does that exist?



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Well, the subject that you mentioned does NOT exist!  The closest you could come, is to go to the Episodes / Books tab above and read the short synopsis of each book.

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Yes, I am looking for something similar;  a *spoilers up to book/episode# {x}* warning would be fantastic.   I am fairly new to the series; I started reading during the middle of 2022 and was immediately hooked. 
 I was going through the series so fast, (Fast is relative.  Someone in their early 50's with ADHD, fast reading for me is the first 27 books in 7 months), I decided to slow down so I would not catch up and have to wait for the next book in the series to be published.   Back in February, I stopped in the middle of Part2: "Return of the Corinari".     

I want to pick back up, but I would like to get *reminder* of things, so I do not have to go back through the 12 earlier books of Part2, and/or the additional 15 of Part1.   

I am very hesitant to read through the forums, due to me accidently reading info that turned into a spoiler early on. 


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(@Anonymous 155966)
Joined: 1 year ago

has an overall recap of the entire series

Posts: 2
New Member
Joined: 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't know about that accessible or or not?
