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Birth of an Empire

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New book soon!!!

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Just started reading it, so I can't say much right now, but I'm sure I'll love it every bit as much as the previous ones.
I may have mentioned this before, but for some (odd) reason, every time I read Telles' lines, even from the beginning, Christopher Judge's (aka T'ealc on SG-SG1) voice and even his visage sticks in my mind.

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I don't know.  I hear Cliff Simon whenever I read the lines for Telles.  His arrogance as well as his confidence as Ba'al.  Chris Judge would make a really good Rezhik or perhaps Kellem.

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@paulalemon Nah.  The way Telles says (or seems to like saying) "indeed" is what reminds me of T'ealc, so Chris Judge is better.  Cliff Simon's voice (as Ba'al) seemed to me to be too 'whiny'.

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I finished it today, no spoilers, but big things happening, big big things! Can’t wait until the next episode 

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I haven't posted anything in quite a while but I sure have been reading each and every episode (multiple times) you have been writing RYK.  I was about to post regarding EP #3.5 & 6 only to be pleasantly surprised that EP #3.7 was out!!!

So here are some observations:

From EP #3.5 Escape of the Free Fleet;

1.  At the end of EP #3.4 Nathan and the Aurora are at the rendezvous as the other three Expedition class ships arrive.  Nathan says "it's a long story" (how they escaped)  but EP #3.5 never explains the story.  So I'm still curious how he escaped.

2.  There are a lot of hints in this episode indicating that the Ghatazhak did not die.  

    a. Auto updating of consciousness.  b. In place cloning program.  c. Deliza (Ranni Corp) developing an anti-aging serum.

    d. Telles never went on an op without a backup plan. e.  Jokume never had confirmation that the Ghatazhak actually perished.

From EP #3.6 Evolution;

1.  Always believed, based on past episode hints, that the Ghatazhak were still around.  Also, how they had survived over 500 yrs and the tech advances they made were enlightening.

2.  Breyanna and the creation pod opened up a fascinating story line.  

3. Was wondering how Libertara development was progressing only to get a good update in EP #3.7.

4.  Same regarding the modernization of the Celestia/Scott/Navarro.  EP #3.7 puts that effort into context.

From EP #3.7 Birth of an Empire;

1.  Captain Dubnyk LIVES!!!  The head of the Korsan is Jorim Perona who is Capt. Dubnyk.  His comment at the end of Ch. 7 is a dead give away.  

2.  Just curious that with 500 years to develop safer anti-matter weapons they are not being used.  Same with KKV's which already took out Jung battle platforms.  

3.  With the Ghatazhak (and all they bring), 4 Free Fleet updated Expedition class vessels, a base of operations w/two jump gates, numerous Dragon fighters and shuttles they are an imposing force.  However, the full capabilities of the Zhulati have yet to be revealed.

4.  The last chapter confirms the value of the creation pod.

Overall, this 3rd thread has been an awesome read.  The depth of the characters and the diversity/complexity of the story lines are particularly evident by just going back and reading some of the 1st thread books.  Keep writing them Ryk and I'll keep buying them.

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Some more thoughts on EP #3.7 now that I've read it for the third time.

1.  Battle Platform (2);

  a. Will/Where will they get the manpower to upgrade them and to man them effectively?  Even if they install an AI and automate a lot of the engineering it will still take a butt load of people to operate them.  And I wouldn't trust too many ex-Korsan.

  b. With the super jump drive upgrade will they become roving bases of operations?  You could load them up and jump anywhere in Alliance space.

  c.  How much of the "stuff inside" will the Free Fleet be able to use.  The hangar bays are immediately useful as shipyards and protected docks.


2.  The Korsan:

  a.  They are not yet defeated.  The 3 cruisers while heavily damaged did escape.  Do they have anymore assets?

  b.  Nathan has to take out Jorim  Perona permanently. From his activities on Tanna, to helping the Dushan/Jung get the jump drive Capt Dubnyk (aka Perona) has been causing serious trouble.


3.  There is a lot more to Breyanna.  There should be no doubts regarding Ens Soray and Annori Done's loyalty.


4.  With the successful resurrection of Jess, the Bio-Synth pod(s) will be in high demand.


5.  There have been a number of references through out EP #3 regarding the dispersal of the Jung.  I think it's quite possible that we will see them re-appear in EP #4.

These are just fun books to read!!

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@p-b-nelson with regard to the battle platforms, I strongly suspect we will be seeing the Jung making an appearance soon and they will help/join/repatriate the platforms. There have been many hints dropped around their disappearance and continued existence. If they do join, it could give the Free Fleet the manpower it is sorely lacking. 

As for the role of the platforms, they have immediate use as dry docks and logistics vessels. Future use, definitely as mobile freedom dispensers for anyone who wants it. 😂

Juan C Valentin
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Just finished the latest book.  I am really digging where the story is going.  


Just a thought.. remember the Jumping KKVs around the Jung planet part 1~2?).  What if they floated some of these among their routes (a KKV "killbox")? Once they jump into the route, they send a friend or foe signal.. if no signal... the missiles hit the vessels before they even know what happened. 

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I get that space battles by badass ninja-like warriors makes for entertaining reads but now that the series has headed in the direction of the "Birth of an Empire" I wonder if it might not be possible to have one book that emphasizes the 'Birth' part and minimizes the 'fighting' part?

I get that there has never been a book without some knockdown, dragged out fight, but IMHO, there is, or at least, could be real drama in the positioning 'battles' around the emergence of a powerful state, think... The Foundation Trilogy.  Conflicts, especially barely kinetic skirmishes oftentimes deepen the drama when the conflict with other powers becomes... inevitable.

Anyway, just a suggestion.

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(@Anonymous 155519)
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good game

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With the ending we were just given, I'm sure we'll see more on the empire building.
