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Update from Ryk?

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Hi @rykbrown

I's been a while since who have done a Ryk's log. I Just wanted to ask How are you?

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Alive and kickin. Just busy beatin on the keyboard.

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Yes A new log entry is needed so long as it does not delay the next book 🙂

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No log entry but I did find this video Rick did. Hope it helps to ease some fears about his commitment.

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Thanks Gary! Very insightful stuff!

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Update to Ryks Log. my take on it is:

Amazon unlimited is bad for self publishers, Ryk is going to systematically pull out of it.

Netcasts will be available through this site/mailing list.

Stuff is going to go up in the store.

I buy the kindle book, read the kindle book, engage on the website (albeit not as much as I used to) and generally feel ryk is making the right decisions re the above.

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I do not use KU, looking forward to the next episode and part 3.

Bill Fuller
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Always wondered about KU and how it effects funds going to the author. I buy the kindle book outright, never use KU. Thanks Mr. Brown for the info on KU. Hope Amazon does not penalize you for your comments.

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As an Author on KU myself, Its not exactly built in the authors favor. The worst thing of it is that there is no REAL mechanism for the author to complain about suspected missing sales, or verify pages read. There's no amazon author 1800 number to I've only got 4 books to my series so far but, Im thinking of following Browns lead on this. I need to do more research and I'd like to hear from Ryk, if this move was a good idea or not at the end of it and the annual figures are known.

In the meantime, Im dying for the next episode. What better test then to put the Captain under and into a hyper real simulation. I want to know what kind of deals were made. He should be able to repair his ship with some awesome upgrades at the very least.

Is there somewhere with a generalize plot line on the following ACTS. I suspect ACT 3 is the demise/ liberation of the Jung . ACT 4 or 5 ought to be about an actual alien invasion. What do you think ?

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I don't know how much any readers have been following recent archeology discovery over the last decade.  The fact that there was only 1 hieroglyph found inside the great Pyramid in Egypt yet the official story was it was a tomb, always bothered me, even as a kid. btw the 1 that was found was the equivalent of "Kilroy was here.".

About 2 decades ago a geologist looked at the great Sphinx and concluded from the erosion on the sides of the statue and enclosure it has to be at least 14,000 years old.  That is another puzzle.  Btw  about 14,000 years ago the constellation Leo the Lion would have risen due East on the solstice. Makes sense the statue is of a Lion facing due East.

The fact that the megalithic multi-sided, massive rocks that were fitted so precisely together into giant walls that you can't insert a piece of paper into the cracks between them, in places like Peru can't actually be dated, and are attributed to Incas, who didn't even have the wheel, but is still the "Official story" has bothered me too.  

Anyone doing the math has to be puzzled.  The G.P. has 2 million six ton blocks of sandstone (as well as a large number of granite block internally)

All cut, transported 100 miles north from the quarry, and put exactly into places by 100,000 slaves in twenty years.   That's 1 block every 8 minutes.   Really?  by People who only had copper hand tools?   Really?  On reed boats and rollers?

Well... all sorts of stuff is now on the web.  Bright Insights on Utube in a good place to start.

At any rate it all points to Ryk Brown's story of a 1000 year dark age after a complete collapse of a highly technical civilization.  Apparently, there actually was a high tech civilization on earth before ours BUT it was about 12, 800 years ago.  Apparently it was ended by a large asteroid hitting the western edge of Greenland (the crater is still covered in ice).  This was before the end of the last Ice age and resulted in a 'mini' ice age called the "Younger Dryas" which lasted for 1,200 years and account for mastodons frozen in the tundra of Siberia.

So.  Maybe the first part of Ryk's story is actually "True" is some sense.

just a thought.






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Builders still use string to build straight walls. log rollers and counter weight hoists can be used to build large structures incredibly easily children discover both of these playing as kids. you can use rope to cut blocks of sandstone with straightish edges (you would need a lot of rope). these people did nothing but cut blocks and construct these building. if you have only one thing to do and you are properly motivated, you are going to get good at it.

also there are several common design philosophies between the Inca and Egyptians, they both built pyramids - but think about it, its easier to build thick base narrow top structures with overlapping blocks then to build vertically.

human ingenuity is a wonderful and frightening thing but high tech to those people 14,000 years ago was utilising leverage and domestication..
