Has anybody started making resin or at least 3d printed models of the Aurora and other ships in this series? I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a 24" model of the Aurora on my desk at work. As an IT manager, it would replace my Lego X-Wing in the most visible part of my office. 🙂
Well... I'm currently working on a 3D computer model of the Eagle right now haha. Not quite what you're looking for. I am a 3D hobbyist in Cinema 4D and have decided to start trying to create some of the concept drawings into 3D images for fun. I personally just love the Eagle and have been working on that one for a while. Got the animated wings and everything.
If someone does have the ability to make the file required for a 3d printer to make these, that would be awesome, i have a friend who likes to make 3d models with his printer, including BSG and Star wars, halo etc, and he loves this series.
That's awesome! what resolution is the printer?