Since I gave up the book of face I was wondering if there is a book 15 update?
My facebook rant: I just got tired of Facebook monetizing my usage and editing my posts and news feed at the same time. They like to piss on your back and tell you it is raining over there and then when you call them on it you get silenced all while they get paid for your patronage.. Lovely....
Based on past experience, book 15 should come out about 4~5 months after book 14. Book 14 is due out in "August" which I take to mean anywhere from August to October. Ryk may not always hit his deadlines, but his stories are usually worth the wait. He is still a he'll of a lot faster then some other authors I've followed
If I get an update, I'll share it here.
Wanted to visit here on my phone so googled "Frontiers Saga Website" and did not get this address, just tons of Google paying customers websites selling Ryks books or reviewing them. Typed in the URL and here I am, explains the slowness and the power of directed search engines.
the forum is under community now... and I'm an idiot - we are looking for book 15 which per Ryk's most recent facebook posts is probably going to be out later this month...
"Deep inside big battles" per Ryk's facebook yesterday. I'd say we are looking at early September
Ryk admitted on Facebook that we are looking at a September release, book to be 1.5x the size of a normal release. "Into the Serpent's Lair"