The has been the longest September I have4 ever had to endure, It will be over in about three and a half day when Episode 12 is released. Ryk might be a fun writer but he should have learned not to put this writing on a time table. Ryk, please take off the times on the next episodes and start enjoying the fun in creating a world view without having to endure a deadline.
More like 3 1/2 hours. The proofreader busted hump and got it finished early.
Hey Ryk writes almost as fast as Lester Dent did and Lester was a railroad man at one time. Railroad men work on schedules. (I must be giddy because the book was released as this is some stretch of logic.) BTW this is just a test so see if you kids know who Lester Dent was.
Found four small typos. You'll get them shortly. More concerning is the story refinements you've made as the series has grown.
I'd like it if you took advantage of Amazon's system to update books that are already out there. Next time I re-read books 1-12 they could be patched to align with each other.