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Joined: Jun 3, 2015
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: Part 2 Rogue Castes

Well it did seem that all the castes were not on the same page in episode one so my guess is that it something to do with that. Calling them rogue wou...

8 years ago
RE: Question: Cybernetic Implants

I imagine you will see implants take off first to correct problems with augmentation coming later. It is a lot less of a risk for blind people to try ...

9 years ago
RE: Episode 16 Release Date

@darkscribe I follow several authors on Amazon (including Ryk) and have never received notice on new books from any of them. The notification system s...

9 years ago
RE: Amazon's new kindle Author pay

I would think that as long as Amazon does not use this as an excuse to make the overall amount they are paying out to authors smaller that quality aut...

10 years ago