As some of you may have already noticed, I have changed the expected publication dates for the last four episodes of Part 1 of the Frontiers Saga. It was a difficult decision, as I have taken great pride in staying as close as possible to my 3-month production cycle. The problem is that life keeps getting in the way, and in the end I find myself writing like a madman in order to even come close to my self-imposed deadlines. Unfortunately, I can’t keep going this way, as I fear that the story, and the writing, (just like my hands and my butt) will suffer.

The Frontiers Saga began as the back story for a massive, multiplayer, online computer game. When I decided to turn it into a series of books, it was because I needed money. It was a long shot at best, but I thought that if I could write and publish a book every 3 months, then I might be able to earn enough to regularly pay our rent with my book sales within a few years. I never expected it to take off the way it did.

I kept to the quarterly publication schedule because regular releases seemed the best way to maintain visibility and therefore sales. Also, as a reader, I was often frustrated by authors who took forever to publish their next book. (Especially if that book was part of a series.) I did not want my readers to experience that frustration, so the quarterly production schedule served a dual purpose.

In the beginning, it was difficult, as I had little experience at writing and publishing. As I gathered subcontractors to help me polish my stories, I managed to get a layered production system where I would be working on 3 episodes at once. (Writing the first draft of one, while editing two others as they bounced back and forth between myself and my editors.) That quickly became rather confusing, and I was forced to return to a more linear fashion of writing. Now, I write an episode over the course of two months, then spend a month outlining the next episode while the previous one is being edited. Through trial and error, I have concluded that this is the best way for me to write.

So, why the change in publication for the last 4 episodes of Part 1? Well, as this first part comes to its conclusion, I find that there is so much more story that I want to tell. (So much so that I considered extending the first part by another five episodes!) Rather than extending it, I decided that the last four should each become progressively longer. To do this, and to do it well, requires more time to write and edit, and edit…

The fervor with which all of you have embraced this series has changed the lives of myself and my family. My daughter will not have to start her life buried in student debt. We moved out of the undesirable neighborhood we were stuck in. My wife no longer has to worry about how we are going to pay the bills. (And she can buy organic foods.) My mother (who was paying our rent on a retired teacher’s salary for several months) is now living in a much nicer home located next door to us, so I can take better care of her. (She’s 83 and no longer driving.) I have even been able to fulfill my lifelong dream of learning to fly. All of this is because of all of you.

Still, as difficult a decision as it was, I’ve decided to take 4 months each (instead of the usual 3) to produce the last four episodes of Part 1. Once I finish episode 15, I will take a break to outline Part 2, and to write the first 3 episodes. (I promise I will keep this break as short as possible.) This way, I’ll have a sizable time-buffer built into my publication schedule so that I can more easily adhere to that schedule, even when life gets in the way. It will also give me a chance to develop the ability to write using dictation. (I have tried this recently, and although promising, it was just too slow for me to use right now.) By developing my ability to write through dictation when there is no deadline hanging over my head, I will be better able to develop not only my ability to write through dictation, but also the application’s ability to accurately understand me. (Something that it is currently unable to do.) I’ll also be able to experiment and customize my production methods to take greater advantage of writing through dictation.

My goal will always be to provide you with the most exciting and compelling science fiction stories I am capable of dreaming up, and to do so in a timely and consistent manner. You have all given me so much, and you deserve to receive the best that I can offer in return. I may not be there yet, but trust me, I’m working on it.


Thank you all for reading,

