I'm hoping for quantum entanglement based communications. All jump capable ships knowing where all the others are at all times. You could centrally coordinate and command all the jump ships to attack a target all at once, and jump out immediately after the plasma leaves the cannon to a safe location. Who needs shields when the enemy doesn't even have time to train their guns on you?
A crazy idea hit me... AIs... Now not, iRobot or Chappie... But a full fledged AI in the computer systems. This can be something no one would know about or even think of...
Not until the Alliance dig deeper does the AI come "alive", then the real fun begins.
I like it, but it doesn't make sense to me. If you have an AI in a computer, the AI is the computer. You interface directly with the AI. AI would then prioritize which technologies need to be allocated in which order in the most effective and efficient way possible... unless people decided to turn it off because it was annoying. (And that could be the reason why it took Earth so long to get back up to speed.)
That could indeed be interesting. Especially if the AI decides it should side with the Nobles or Jung.
It could be if the AI is in the data Archive it maybe dormant not active yet. It could also contain information on how to make there own AIs as well.
I also wonder if the data archive contains information on how to build ships faster as well which is what the alliance needs badly as well. Maybe like AI that's factory type model one that just builds things for the alliance faster and better.
Episode 5 re-read says the T'Akar manufacturers could print a ship directly from plans. Perhaps the alliance can use that to build more ships quickly? Hmm, self replicating machines, where have I read about that? 🙂
Episode 5 re-read says the T’Akar manufacturers could print a ship directly from plans. Perhaps the alliance can use that to build more ships quickly? Hmm, self replicating machines, where have I read about that?
That would be cool. Pair that with the medical nanites and then you could just seed an asteroid with nanites and come back in a month to pick up a shiny new ship.
Maybe I'm the only one willing to talk about the elephant in the room,but...what if the AIs were the cause of the BioDigital Plague. Or at least susceptible to it?
I would think that if there were working AI's in the data ark, they would of been found while it was still plugged into the servers at the data ark. Now that the data cores have been removed, it is unlikely that the cores are in a similar array anymore.
When planning something like the data ark, you would think that they would want all of the cores to work in a raid like setup, but you couldn't guarantee that the all of the cores would survive or that the hardware that networked the cores together would still work after X number of years, so I would guess that running a complete data backups of the cores would be a smarter idea. The ark probably wasn't designed for what it was to do, 1,000 years of just holding data until man kind improved enough to be able to understand what was in the cores.
...Never know though, maybe it was a conspiracy by a faction of people, who became the Jung, to remove technology from the rest of the society, then in a few centuries, come back and conquer the settled worlds. All at the will of an AI ruler.
That being said, an AI could of been the cause of the plague, but it would of been mentioned in the story by now. I would think that no one has figured out how to make a true AI yet, and research into it just stopped. Of course that research may be available in the cores.
There should be in the Data Archives a way for unequivocal identification of people to control who has access to the jump drive vessels.
Let's say the Alliance liberates a world from Jung rule. Is the Alliance sharing the jump drive technology just that easy? What if people from that world are Jung operatives, hard to tell from the locals, just as Dumar was on Corinair?
I think the more worlds the Alliance frees from the Jung, the more difficult it will get to keep the jump drive away from Jung spies.
I guess in the data Ark are the episodes 13 ... 15!
Unfortunately are they encoded in an unknown format (called pdf).
The scientists of the year 3472 working feverishly on decoding - but it takes time.
I would like to see what the Data Arc has on the topic of "Na-Tan". if it has anything...
Well since that was a PC mythology/legend started after the sleeper ships got to the PC the Data Ark should have nothing in it, and Na-Tan translates to gift from god so it would have been more of title to person who leads them out of oppression... That being said, it is a huge coincidence that Nathan is named Nathan and showed up to do just what the legend says, though we dont really know what the legend said precisely, we only really got Jela's view, which is no what i would call trustworthy. So it could have been vague enough to fit anyone from earth... If Nathan's name had been Bob, he could have been Bob the Na-Tan...
Well now that i think of it a bit more, would the early earth have set up a type of Missonora Protectivia (Sorry if that's way misspelled) like the Bene Jesuits in Dune? Sort of a way to soften the reemergence of earth should a colony go missing for a long time... that could mean that the PC group was a sanctioned colony ship and they could find the records in the Ark... More likely not, but it is an interesting idea...
If I was creating a repository of knowledge, a technological safety net, I would lay out the basic technologies first then add branches for future tech that would be divided into layers that are time locked, so you would unlock 100 years of tech after say 10 years, then the next 100 years of tech after another 10 years. It shouldn't be hard to do, every item would have a time stamp from when it was entered.
I would set the database up to be all open but if the password isn't entered once every 7 days then the locks go down and only the basic tech would be available on the next access, and the clock starts. Of course you could set it up to role with available tech, like having theory questions asked in a corner of the screen and if answered correctly then the next patch become available.
I would try to store cultural information carefully, redacting videos and images from tech layers not yet unlocked. So that thee world's history is explained in a way that wouldn't circumvent the layers of potentially dangerous levels learning.
I would like a secondary arch to the internet to download all tech videos and news articles into it to be printed and scanned, or reformatted and transfer to the main arch to keep the arch up to date but more importantly secure.
----> Here are some fresh idea's I came up with for what could be stored in it.
GBD or Galaxy Bridge Drive - a drive system that uses wishes, magic and the lent from your pockets to drive a ship (really, really, stupidly fast) across vast emptiness to the next nearest object, (a star in the next Galaxy, or the other end of your own one but not a nearby object you would need to use less power and that would not be enough to power the drive to workable levels) the idea is that it is dependent on gravity waves or some such and that you leave one Star (gas giant maybe) and only arrive when you reach another... (so if you miss your target in the next Galaxy... goodbye) this does not mean you leave normal space but if you want to sure you leave normal space.
I like to imagine that the GBD would propel you to a velocity such that to try to stop on your own would result in possible destruction of your ship/ possible deviation from course but not stopping your ship (bye)/ or tearing a hole in the fabric of the universe creating a black hole that you are dragging with you until you disable your drive (which would result in you falling into the black hole)
Its something that the BV-01 & 02 could have used to drive to the next galaxy and then drive back to a different star in this one, in a few months but more likely a few years.
UDD or Universe Drop Transition Drive - a drive that generates a field around your ship / or a field that opens a gateway that you fly into that takes you out of this Universe and drops you into either another Universe which happens to be locally empty or an non Universe where you would then be able to fly in any direction without fear of colliding with objects or being spotted in this Universe then you power the UDD back up / or shut it down and Drop back into this Universe at the point you would have ended up where you flying in this universe (if you could fly through stars and black holes etc)
You might want to drop back into this Universe regularly so as to update your star maps... don't want to Drop back somewhere nasty/ don't want to fry you drive by trying to open a gateway into something not congenial to normal spaceflight...
I like to think that the reason we don't see wreckage from the BV-01 or 02 is that it could be in a different, ah... Non Universe
SBD or Star Bridge Drive - the idea behind this drive is that in the centre of a star the forces are strong enough to open portals to other stars, and that the use of a SBD could allow you to pass through these portals into other stars that you would then emerge from. Needless to say the failure of a heat shield prior or post transition might not be conductive to a viable space exploration method. One scratch on the heat shield and your stranded at best.
Of course this drive system is completely useless to the EDF Pre- or Post-Alliance as they do not have shields capable of withstanding near or in Solar forces. and any exposed sensor arrays or weaponry would melt or explode and likely open more of the ship to melting and exploding.
Still I like to think that maybe BV-01's heat shield failed and BV-02's drive hick up'ed mid transition.
TPWS or Tactical Plasma Wake Shield - a shield that is constructed of plasma for limited times during battle and is used to melt incoming armaments or to allow ramming maneuvers to inflict much more damage to the opponent then to your own vessel.
Massive power and resource drain, difficult to produce the desired affect and may fail and dump plasma on your own hull. Even if it works right, your opponent may still maneuver away from contact. But done right at the right time and nothing they throw at you will get through your TPWS and when you slam into the side of they're ship it will be like a knife through hot melty titanium. Maybe only bump into them a little.
I like to think that BV-01 and BV-02 tried to cross streams and ended up steam.
(I don't think they are gone, gone, but I wouldn't be surprised if BV-01 & 02 don't go back to Earth (at all or for a very long time or come back with more bad news)
GWSA or Galaxy Wide Sensor Array , A type of sensor that when activated in the dark between stars is very good at locating object the size of a jump shuttle from as far away as half way across the galaxy. Possibly in real time/ possibly faster then light/ possibly restricted to light speed or even radio wave speeds. The idea is that the GWSA is the premier way to detect life in this Galaxy, and using two of them multiplies the range and clarity of signals as well as improved distance measuring the arrays are capable of.
I want to find Jung central and this will do it. The Array is movable so as to be able to check all sources from different angles (albeit slowly because sub-light ships and all) It makes sense that when you know you are about to be attacked that the first thing you want is Scouts then you want big shields then you want a fast and mobile countermeasure - Sensor stations / Battleships / Warp ships. Best thing is that the Sensor station is a great way to encourage neighboring systems to help with supplying support for the initiative (Alpha Centuri before it was captured by the Jung could have been supplying BV-01 and BV-02 with additional supplies like food, fuel, final fabrication materials to help get the project up and running because they also had a stake in finding and neutralizing the Jung)
BV-01 and BV-02 are not Battleships at all but are Sensor stations with "armor plating" that opens out to reveal layers of collecting panels that fold out into the GWSA. How cool in a I hope I never get that assignment kind of way is that!