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What is in the Darvano System

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They already have a super weapon. KKVs. They just need more from Prince Tug. 1 KKV would have seen off the weapons platform. I still expect a carrier to appear soon to support the Falcon wing that saved the day.

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If not a mothballed fleet, could be a mothballed "battle station" that could be fitted with the jump drive.

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I feel something like a battle station would be quite valuable to the Jung and wouldn't be easily taken, mothballed or not.

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We're only speculating and blowing smoke. I don't believe the Jung would have a presence in the Davarno system. Something there that would help the alliance or a very large hospital or reefer ship that could benefit earth.

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What about a Terraformer? A ship designed to assist in terraforming a body? Not truly useful to the current battle, but it could make things interesting to the next series, or the one after that... 🙂

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a terraformer would make fixing earth simple, but pair of older capital ships would be perfect for carrier duty.

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What about a Terraformer? A ship designed to assist in terraforming a body? Not truly useful to the current battle, but it could make things interesting to the next series, or the one after that… :-)

The problem with a terraformer was the damage was done to Earth After Nathan sent the request for assistance, so while the Terraformer would be a great help, at the time of the message it was unneeded.

I think the most logical explanation is a retired fleet ship like the suggested carrier, or some hybrid ship that can be both carrier and say heavy cruiser. Finding some logistics ships filled to the bulkheads with gear would be great as well.

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Troop Transports full of Ghatazhak! Yay!

I was thinking of the Terraformer going to work on Mars, Venus, and maybe some of the larger moons.

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That would be a great idea there Eric for Mars, some of the larger moons, various bases and so forth.

If it would have been possible I would say Gut the core of the moon, make it one big arse base complete with shipbuilding, repair, research on and on and on..

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I do not think that a terraformer would be sent due to the fact that at the time of the message, the Sol system was controlled by the Jung. Would have to wonder if a terraformer would be the perfect solution to how to clean up nuclear fallout though.

I'm sure that Tug would be very surprised to know that the support that he sent, was received at just the right time, but that they arrived after Earth had be liberated. Based on what they did know at the time of the message, the types of ships that could be used (most mentioned in this thread) are carriers, cruisers (or other variants of fighting ships), large scale mining ship, or a modified freighter. They could of sent the asteroid base, but considering how much mass they would of had to mine out just to get it to be more easily moved, so they could drift it out of the asteroid field and start gravity assisted jumps, I doubt that the asteroid base would be seen in Sol system for awhile.

Due to the fact that whatever ship that was sent, was not with the 402's when they arrived at Sol, I would guess that the ship sent would be something vulnerable to attach like a mining ship, modified freighter, or a light combat carrier. The other possibility is that they did not wish for the Jung to know all of the ships in the Alliance fleet.

Sort of off topic, but so far, the Jung have only run into Ghatazhak, the Falcon, 402's, and Corinari fighters. In truth, the 402's, which are probably the most feared tech from PC, are really outdated in design and it is only the jump drive that allows them to do so well in combat. So sending the 402's into combat accomplished two things, which was help the Aurora and Celestia defeat the battle platform, and also give a baseline for Alliance tech for the Jung. With the tech and ships that the Alliance has show so far, they are a threat to the Jung, but when PC starts sending ships designed to be used for jump drive combat the size of Yamaro outfitted with shields, ZPED's, long range lasers/plasma cannons, and jump drives that work precisely with ZPED's, the Jung will start to fear the might of the Alliance. With a jump drive, a ship could technically be in 2-3 places at once.

Jump 5 light seconds out, start maneuvering to jump back to target, fire all lasers, jump 10 km from target and fire all plasma cannons and rails, then launch torpedoes and jump 3 light seconds behind the target and fire all lasers into the targets rear just before the torpedoes hit. What seems to be 3 separate attacks to the enemy, is really just one attack run from a single ship.

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Let's remember a light second is 186000 miles give or take. So weapons range is a distinct issue. Best to just unload energy thing, jump recharge and repeat.

Jumping would work if you could get to near light, jump and drop a big rock on a trajectory and jump out again. Almost like dive bombing.

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Terrific post Apoc. I hadn't really thought about the tech levels. The Jung are already adapting to the jump drive ships by use of their mine fields. They may still feel superior despite the kicking they got at Earth, after all they have a huge numerical advantage.

A fully loaded PC capital ship will be a whole new level for them to handle though. The Avhendal or similar would be a hell of a shock.

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An Alliance requires diplomats to enforce it. There is no one outside of Tug to work the Nobles, to explain to them the benefits of assisting Earth and the rest of the Sol sector. I hate to say it, but Nathan needs a cadre of bureaucrats to help smooth out the difficulties of everyone being in this alliance. They would also assist in building the civil structure of the empire he is destined to lead. 😉

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You are right Eric, diplomats would help convince the nobles to assist Earth, but only after you prove that it would be worth while for them to do so financially. It is hard to sell assisting a world that is 1,000 light years away and under enemy control, without anything to give in return. Since Earth has been liberated, but it was bombed in the process, the nobles are likely to be even less likely to want to assist Earth in anyway.

Probably the best way to incite the nobles to want to assist Earth, is to reward the Tug for their assistance with exclusive agreements. An example would be give large amounts of land grants given to Tug on Earth, with the requirement that he would rebuild the infrastructure and/or immigrate people in.

Other than land/resources, it hasn't really been discussed what the major trade items are in PC. Do they value gold, or physical goods more? After a war, it is usually goods that are valued more, and since Takaran seemed to be completely reliant on other worlds for food and goods, that is likely they value goods at this point. Having a planet that was recently liberated with large areas of land available, and Earth to boot, would probably be a good way to get people to want to immigrate to Earth, which would less the burden on Takaran itself.

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" makes sense" Nathan said" she still has working power plants, life support, crew accommodations, and a functioning flight deck."

page 145 book 5

the Yamaro was moved into a hollowed out shell, while they fixed the Auroras bow breach

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