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First Off, I just joined your Forums, Secondly, I do love your work. And I am a big fan of this series, I wouldn't push yourself too hard and cause too much pain, If people out there are truly fans of your work they can wait an extra week or two for your stuff. I know that being patient is the best thing. Cant wait for the next release! Keep up the good work Ryk

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I agree with @ericrutledge take it one day at a time. You could do more damage by not taking it easy(my wife always pushes herself She has chronic pain too, She has made it worse over the years by pushing). I really miss your books, I am willing to wait. Hope you feel better. God bless you RYK for you're books.

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As much as it pains me to say, i would rather wait a bit in order to have a series that goes out beyond Part 38 (episodes 600-615) ๐Ÿ™‚ Your work has been great and getting better every time, and while i will have to tie myself down to avoid going into a psychotic rage episode from not having a new book to read i would do that so that so that you can get as comfortable as possible to write for as long as possible...

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just wanted to say thankyou for the effort your putting into
this project ..ive only just discovered you on amazon and downloaded all 11 episodes in one go...that was five days ago and I cant wait for episode 12 ....I ponder with baited breath!!! the work but dont do youself in in the process!! ...again many thanks.

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Patience my a** ...

Oh, I guess I can wait. I devoured all eleven episodes. When I hit the end of the last one, I couldn't believe I had to stop and wait.

I've had CTS most of my life, in varying degrees. I was a journalist, then a computer geek, and worked on the old IBM Selectrics, Compugraphic typesetting terminals, punch card machines and various computer keyboards for the last 30-40 years. Back in the day, a medic said to take aspirin. That helped a lot. Also, I try stretching, especially after a few hours on the Harley and my hands get all tingly.

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Howdy, Ryk, very smart idea going to the use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, have been using it well over a year, although it has taken extensive training it is now about 95% accurate. If this helps you get your typing done it is well worth the cost. Can't wait for episode 12 as I have read book 1 through 11. This story is actually what got me back into reading and now I can't stop.

Waiting impatiently but knowing you are working diligently.
Thank you very much

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Any one using Dragon on a Mac? I'd like to get some opinions on how it works, before taking the plunge.



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I use Dragon extensively at work. The main thing thats affects accuracy (that I've found) is the microphone (surprise!). By that I mean the quality of the microphone and the position it's in. I invested in a Lifechat 3000 and it made a massive difference to accuracy compared to a hand-held unit although I do get accused of not working and playing COD when I wear it!!

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Meanwhile, you can listen to me embarrass myself on the web.

I liked the Interview. Particular... as you said something like "The story is telling itself to me."

For the part of not liking aliens, I agree that humanized forms of aliens are a cheap approach and I think the Star Carrier Saga made a perfect approach to it. All of them absolutely totally non Human to the extreme.

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PLeasdse this week I need it to read on the beach in Jamaca

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Hi Ryk,

I hope you are doing fine.
Maybe this might be an idea for you to keep working, with less pain:

Linus Torvalds the creator of Linux is also using this, but only with 1mp/h. ๐Ÿ™‚

I also hope for a soonish release, but if you are feeling better taking a couple of days longer, then I can wait! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Oh Ido hope you get it done this week I can't download in Jamaca

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You could probably download the file and then transfer it via USB to your ereader, assuming you can access the internet there. I know this works with Kindles, not sure about other devices. The software program calibre seems to do well as an e-book manager.

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Dragon is wonderful.

There are a few things you have to be sure of to get the most out of the system.

1. Processor power. Dragon is highly reliant on the power of your computers processor. If you have a old slow processor its going to degrade your accuracy.
2. Computer Memory. Same as #1. The more the better.
3. Microphone. Sure, the nice little headsets that say "Dragon compatible" are nice but if you're going to be doing this as more then a casual thing, get a high quality mic.

This mic is a professional high quality mic. I have one and my business associates also use this mic due to its extremely high quality input. You need to get the associated cable. Also there are a ton of boom mic stands either floor or desktop on the web.

Trust me, its worth the cost especially if you're doing this for hours at a time. CTS sucks and you need to do whatever you can to make things easier.

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Quality over quantity any day. I'd much rather read a well written book than one that was rushed. They are worth waiting for.

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