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Spoilers! S3 E4 Not The Hill We Die On - discussion

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Anyone else binge the latest? I didn’t think they would make it out with all 4!

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Binge, I did and thought the same.  The questions are how did they do it and who helped them?

How?  At the very least, the fourth destroyer to show up must have been a friend and not Alliance, maybe even the last two!...  Jessica was saying the Alliance ships were not trying to kill them but rather to catch them!  What if one or two were in fact trying to catch up with the Aurora to join them!  

Who? "It is a long story", says Nathan!  What main characters are missing and will be needed the most for the coming battles with the Alliance?   The Ghatazhak and their commander, Lucius Telles, maybe.  There has been a lot of talk of systematic cloning by Jakome and if he could do it for 500 years, what was to prevent commander Telles from doing the same as the number of Ghatazhak had been reduced so much?  They would be monitoring Alliance comms (as Jakome did) and could have shown up with the cavalry to save the day.  

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I’ve been waiting for the Ghatazhak to show back up. That’s an interesting thought the they could have one of those destroyers and helped them. There must have been some kind of help, the Aurora looked like it was going to be taken. Unless Nathan nuked them or used the AI to hack back into the other ships. 

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Thrilling. For the first time, I actually felt the Aurora and others being at a massive disadvantage, not only in numbers plus tons of ships. but actually because they have over 500 of technological jet-lag, although this is addressed as having the Alliance being a little bit too much controlling and preventing new technologies from sprouting everywhere.

As I kept reading, I was somehow convinced Nathan would reveal his identity (yet again, though the Korsan already know) to the Alliance's ships' crewmembers and they would somehow turn over to their side, due to some intricate plan to have installed true Alliance admirers in key positions put in motion by older Alliance members, or a third party involved. Alas, we won't really know until the next book.

I do hope it is Telles and the other boys, probably in liege with Jakome, since they already have this mysterious benefactor, I'd assume if there are two, both are acquaintances.

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Interesting idea.  Some in the Alliance might have known, or at least suspected, that the Aurora had survived the attack when it disappeared through the artificial black hole, as no debris and no bodies could be found.  The story of the ship's disappearance with all souls aboard was put out as Gospel truth, but the identities and images of the officers were kept on record so that the Alliance and Siltek could still look out for them.  

That is how Jakome found them 500 years later.  So too could any other true Alliance followers: it would be nice if some of them turned out to be Cmdr Telles and his Ghatazhak!...

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I was expecting the cliff hanger ending with still no word from Nathan.  I would go with Telles having arrived with the question being did Jakome know? Was Lucius just so far away that it took this long to arrive?


I hope there are sufficient notes to answer most of our questions for Nathan and crews futures in case of tragedy like Matthew Mathers. Or, like Tolkien's lost tales....

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I've also been waiting for the Ghatazhak to show.   I was thinking about S3 Book 1.  The Ghatazhak are clones now.  I half expected Kit to run into modern Kit. 

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@tastee Captain Kit giving orders to Sergent Kit would be great

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For this episode, your 'blurb' on the Episodes/Books page says, "The Free Ship Aurora has taken on a new responsibility; To protect even those who do not ask to be protected. But to do so, they will have to take an ambitious, against incredible odds."

OK, ".....they will have to take an ambitious <what?>, against incredible odds."

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I know Telles di

d not let his men die. When will they return. When will Telles return? 

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I dont know how, maybe by cloning, maybe by going into status, maybe by parking near a black hole, but I believe he will be back if maybe grey haired, he will still kick seven kinds of butt
