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Funny, Jamie McFarlane has a running joke in his series about spaceship plumbing issues, your live plumbing issues.

We bought a house built in the 50s and 2 days after moving in discovered the sewer line was made of some kind of rolled wax paper and had collapsed. Started trenching 50ft of line in after work, got called out about 40ft in, had to trench in the last 10 feet and place the pipe at midnight with the wife holding the flash light. Probably would have been better to wait on a plumber. Good times..

Heal up. Hernias are no joke, your guts are literally trying to fall out.

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Sounds like an adventure. Hope the city did not give you any problems with permits for the water line, or hopefully just left you alone. I bought our house and the sewer line instantly started to clog..(previous owners had to have known and did not disclose...) Had to eventually replace the whole line of which 30 feet ran under the house buried in my crawl space... Had to Rip the floor out to dig the new line in (which I wanted to do anyways). House are fun right! Thanks for the update!

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Just saw the post about sewer pipes made of cardboard. That brought up a memory. My father's home he had built in the 1960/70s apparently had that same type of sewer line. It was some kind a asphalt impregnated cardboard. After over 10 years, we started having backed up sewer problems. The plumber had to come over, get on the roof, and sweep the lines. He never found anything, but said every time it sharpened up or cleaned his cutter head. He finally determined what it was.

He sold that house not long afterward. Not sure what new owners did.

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I can sympathize! About 10 to 15 years ago, I had a strange water problem. My water bill shot up to over 10,000 gallons in a single month. Thought it might be bad meter, stealing from neighbors, etc. There was Never any standing water, nor any evidence of a leak. I had the meter replaced (which cost me $$$ money); but that was not the problem.

Called a plumber out, he checked for a leak; but also couldn't find anything. Turned out I had that cheap plastic crap, and it had developed "pin hole" leaks. My saguaro cactus was gulping down all that water, just smiling and getting fatter! Hired a day labor crew from local business to dig up the water line from meter to my house; then my neighbor and I installed new copper line, and burred the line. No more problems; but it used well over 100,000 gallons. That cactus finally got too big, and collapsed. Had to have it hauled off the dump!

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Our first house had a broken sewer line under the slab. Had to get the jackhammers in to pound two holes in the floors to get to and repair the problem. All while we were prepping the house to sell and move. Good times...

I’ve been a fan of this series since about halfway through part one. Very much looking forward to 13 and beyond. That said, Ryk, take care of your house and yourself. We’ll be here.

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So funny thing about the update we got last week, it didnt reference how far along the next episode is, or how long Ryk though he would be to completion, he just said, he was plumbing and delayed. now that is some mighty fine deflection! as we have heard nothing about the book except for a pushed deadline, I am assuming we are 4/5's written, with about a weeks work to go minimum, but with distractions we could be looking at mid October release... now that is a pure speculation judgement on my behalf and it's mostly to set my own expectations and stop me from checking the website and facebook multiple times a day, even when I dont have time to start reading... I wish it was out already (along with the other 47)

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Funny post.

I can wait for the next installment, your post reminds me of the boards I lurk on following penny stocks. They are brutal, absolutely brutal about delays. I admit when money is involved I myself get pretty nasty and snarky at times.

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Hello everybody.

Health issues are no joke. As much as we want to keep on reading, your well-being is more important imho. As Napoleon said, “Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry.” Take the pace you need.

But hurry though, I'm not sure I can handle the impatience.

Cheers from down south, keep it up.

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On the subject of hernias:

I had an inguinal hernia, about 15 or so years ago. Got it repaired laparoscopically. Recovery took the time it took, but wasn't horrible. I can't even find the scars anymore.

In addition to resting, you (Ryk) are going to be assigned physical therapy. Do this stuff religiously - it will make the difference between partial and full recovery.

I am truly sorry that you're having to deal with this on top of the plumbing problems. Wishing you a full and rapid recovery. I'm seriously jonesing for a new episode, but that's not important compared to your health.

Juan C Valentin
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You have to love communities like this. When forums go from talking about the book, to relating and rallying for the author's plumbing issues and health. It is both genuine and refreshing to see a community supporting each other in a time of need. Truly a blessing.

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Plumbing, Hernia, Delays, Change of Editor, book delayed. Facebook update, Ryk trying to get "Rise of the Corinari" out by end of the month (October 2019)

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Ryk , Anything I can do to help let me know. I can even help write. Get better soon !

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Been anxiously waiting for saga part 2 episode 13.
Happy to buy it elsewhere. I'm not a kindle unlimited member and think it's just wrong that you loses such substantial revenue.
I've read everything you've written so far.
Please let me know when and where to get the next book.


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I hate to say it, but episode 2.13, "Return of the Corinari" is not going to be out until mid November. I just felt like the story needed more, and the ending wasn't "epic" enough. I'd rather be late but great, than on-time and average.


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Patience. Good things take time and patience.

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