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Hi David, latest is mid September. fingers crossed!!!

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But it would be great alright having an update end of August, start of September... @rykbrown

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It's going to be delayed until late September now. I had to work on a project strongly related to my book series (that I'm not yet allowed to speak about...wink wink, nudge nudge). I'm just now finishing up the last few chapters, and it will go to the proofreader in about a week. (He takes about 2 weeks.) Sorry for the delay, but I believe if and when the other project comes to fruition, you'll forgive me.


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Thanks Ryk, it's really great of you to make yourself available to update us like this. and Its really great that we as your fans don't use your hashtag to excess (or at least I haven't noticed it being done) long my that continue!!!

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Even if your side hustle takes another year to come true, we would forgive you anyway when Ep 13 hits stands everywhere. We are all like crack heads for these books (maybe Rykheads is better)...take your time, get the book(s) how you want them, then release, we will survive.

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I suppose it'd be too much to ask if somebody at Netflix/Hulu/etc has read the series and would think, "You know, we need a primo sci-fi show to produce..."

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Looking forward to that countdown clock making an appearance! 😃

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So who thinks we are getting some Alliance v Jung action this next episode? I think we are very much due! we should see some opening steps by the Jung at least, especially with the Dushan quiet after their put downs in 2-11!

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I love this series! I am a mail man so i listen to it during my route. so far the highlight of my day! It sucks waiting on new books it would be awesome if ryk would let fans write side stories and missions! Cant wait to see where the story goes!!!

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I have determined that checking the site a minimum of 5 times a day isn't healthy. @rykbrown can you step in with another update on progress on this book please?

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Unfortunately there has been more delays. I'm still trying to get it out by the end of Sept, but it's looking rather iffy right now. More likely the beginning of Oct.

We had our water main develop a leak, and of course no plumbers could come out for more than a week, so I dug it up and repaired it myself. Two days later, another leak appeared. (Cheap plastic tubing they used 30 yrs ago before PEX was invented.) So I decided to replace the entire line. (It's a 97ft run from street to house.) As expected, everyone quoted outrageous sums to dig up and replace the line, so I decided to do it myself. After having all the buried utilities marked, and figuring out where all the lawn irrigation pipes were likely to be running, I decided it was too risky to use a trencher and ended up digging the entire trench myself. Gave myself an inguinal hernia in the process. (Not as young as I used to be, I suppose.) Took 2 weeks to finally get the new line in the ground. (Had a temp line on the surface to provide us water during the entire process.) Going to be hooking the new line up in a couple days after the current storm passes. Then burying it a little each day, as this hernia is causing problems. Going to get surgery as soon as I get episode 2.13 out. At least after the surgery, I won't be able to do anything but sit in my recliner and write, so 2.14 should come out rather quickly after 2.13.

Thanks for being patient and loyal readers. I don't deserve you.


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We, your fans, can wait longer, as long as you take care of that hernia, Ryk.
2.13 is almost here, so take it slowly and please take care.

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Stay safe from the storm Ryk! and take it easy! your back is the only one you will ever have!!!

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Since you put it that way...

Take it easy pally, I can't speak for the rest of these hooligans but I've stuck with Randolph Lalonde's IMMENSE gaps between entries, and as much as I love Spinward Fringe, I consider myself a much bigger fan of Frontier's Saga. Yer good!

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@rykbrown maybe Jess can line up another facebook Ask Ryk! session while we are waiting, to keep the hungry hoards at bay 🙂

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