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Escalation Trailer Disection

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It appears to be an ambush.

No jump flashes from the Jung gunboats, maybe cloaked?

What are the 5 small craft landing on the cargo deck in formation?

Good job.

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It does appear that the Glendanon was ambushed. But aside from the color scheme of their hulls, why assume the attacking ships are Jung? Granted, a title such as "Escalation" does hint that the identity of the attacking ships could be Jung. And I'm more inclined to believe that they are exiting FTL close to the Glendanon rather than decloaking. Mr Brown has mentioned elsewhere in these forums that he doesn't believe in the practicality of cloaking device. In that case, I would doubt that he would use them in one of his books.

As for the ships on the Glendanon, I'm assuming you mean the boxcars?

Now, another question: are the possibly Jung ships launching their ambush of the Glendanon somewhere in Alliance space or are these ships in fact attacking the Glendanon because it violated their space? Could the Glendanon have been loaded with boxcars full of Ghatazhak in a covert attempt to slip a ship inside Jung space and rescue Captain Scott?

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I guess my scale could be off, those may be frigates or cruisers and the eight little craft could be fighters, there are six to port, one from forward and one possible two from starboard all landing as the boxcars leave.

After watching the video full screen you can see the 2 ships coming from directly astern of the Glendanon. FTL it appears.

Also at the end is says "Rouge Casts" as the name as the part.

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I noticed that two when I watched it through on full screen. The title "Rogue Castes" would mean the Jung are the enemy, but not the official Jung government. Rogue Castes makes it sound like it's a Jung Civil War with the rebellious castes launching an assault on the Alliance.

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I agree with the closest matchup is Jung separatist castes, but... could it be rogues from the PC?

Just trying to round out the speculation...

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It could be rogue elements from the PC, but it would have to be an unknown element. The Takaran nobles have jump-capable ships, but I would think they would want to attack someone closer to them instead of launching an attack a thousand light-years from their system. The only motivation I could think of for them to strike outside of the Takar system would be to reestablish the Empire and somewhere like Ancot or Corinar would be much more tempting targets than Earth or one of the other Sol systems.

It could be Ybarran separatists. But the most likely culprits are Jung separatists. I believe we'll probably see the legitimate Jung government releasing Captain Scott in order to send him as an envoy to the Alliance with a message that they aren't responsible for the unsanctioned attacks.

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I think that it is odd that box cars would be aboard the Glendanon considering how they can jump further/faster then the Glendanon.

Castes have only been used in the story so far to describe the Jung. and we have heard that there are a number of castes - we have just narrowed them down to three for ease of explaining the Jung to the leadership of the Alliance & the fleet. So castes could imply 5 of 50 castes for example.

I do not see why the Alliance would not have drones / fighters out trailing Jung ships and or flying recon about Alliance assets like the Glendanon - to protect her from attacks like this...

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@gbone, could the small crafts be comm drones? But why would they land... But they do seem very small, so I'm thinking drones.

Let's also not forget Mr. can't-remember-his-name, the 1000 year old captain now enrolling Tanians for his own sake. Talking of his name... I wouldn't be surprised if his real name turned out to be "Jung" πŸ™‚

So yeah, the idea would be that rogue castes within the Jung can't bear the idea that they've been put at their place by mere Terrans and their pitiful Alliance. They will want to take revenge, but what does the Glendanon do in the Core? I thought it was back in PC...

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The Glendanon needs a new job now that Tannan Fuel is off the market...

The little things could be transport shuttles or fighters - they seem about that size - box cars are very much bigger.

It makes since for them to fly in formation. the other fighters could be either attacking or defending the transportship

I think that Jung ship FTL in, shot out jump arrays, launched boarding craft to seize the Glendanon.

after the attack, the Boxcars left the Glendanon... as to why they were there I have no idea... unless the Alliance knew of the impending strike...

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I would also like to point out that the retraction of a hanger bay roof is not the same as the inclusion of an escalator... and that I am deeply upset by the blatant misrepresentation of this title! I can only hope that because we can see similar motion technologies applied to the Glendanon that they may have included internal escalators rather the boring ramps and stairs... or heaven forbid ladders...

(Keep up the good work Ryk)

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@four-islands, oh the horror of dare I say (Dare-Dare) uncivilized is thing you know its chaos in the ladder ways, people running into each other. They will have to put in fire-type poles to go down levels...(with signs that say no dancing on poles). I shudder at the thought....I feel faint...I must lay down now....where is my cloak now?

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All this talk of ladders, ramps and escalators reminds me of my time in the Navy.

β€œSweepers, sweepers, man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down fore and aft. Sweep down all lower decks, ladder wells and passageways. Empty all trash clear of the stern. Now Sweepers.”

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When the Cobra gunship production base was destroyed on Tanna, a new one was established in Tau Ceti. The same is most likely true about the propellant production facilities. We know that such facilities already existed in Tau Ceti, so the Glendanon has probably been running Tau Ceti propellant to the PC instead of Tanna propellant.

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I would assume that Tau Ceti would require as much Propellant as it could get, for use in they're shuttles and ships to mobilize they're entire workforce!... wonder if they have figured out that the local wildlife isnt local yet... I wonder if the local wildlife suffered in the BD Plague too!!!

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@four-islands. I think that by the time Nathan and crew are getting back to Tau Ceti, the issue with the creepy crude that impacted the survivors of Arrival had that licked. And as more earth plants and critters come into play, the more local less aggressive plants and critters will be gone for a while. That and they were able to create the antidote/antivenom or what ever it was and would be well into maturity.

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