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Episode ideas

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Hmm, a virgin forum. Let's start with the far-far-out stuff. In Episode 16, someone gets transported back to the Pentaurus cluster 1000 years ago, and tells the tale of Na-Tan. Who will it be? Will it be Nathan himself? Who will they tell the tale to? Some refugees from 2400 Earth, or will it be the founding of the Pentaurus cluster habitation by 3400-era humans?

Lol. I just wanted to get in dibs as one of the first posters. I am curious about others' ideas, though.


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On the person that goes back... The real twist is that it should be Cameron. She is a new captain of a deep exploration vessel at end of war. They have some kind of accident during a mission to explore the expanse between the Pentaurus and Sol sectors... Just a thought... Maybe the next series of books?

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Hmm. I'm somehow thinking the next series will be dealing with aliens. It could be Cameron, or Maybe Captain Josh by then. I just think it will be Aliens. 🙂

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That idea is pretty fun to think about. I'm not sure if it would be good to have it as the next 15 ep chunk. It feels kinda prequel-ish. People already complained about 1 story of finding out what happened on earth, 15 stories when people "know what happens" might rile up the villagers.

Let's say the transport did happen, it would have to be Nathan I think. It would fit with the idea of him "returning" later on as the current mythology suggests. He would be trying to keep a low profile but his duty compels him to get involved with some conflict and makes himself into a folk hero despite his best efforts. Cameron would just find some quiet place and not upset the timeline.

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Anything but a prequel. For some reason, those rarely work out as well, at least for me.'

Episode ideas? Well, I cannot read Ryk's mind or divine his intentions but it seems inevitable that Cameron gets her own ship. The CV-02 certainly seems a possibility. We'll see.

After this arc, there is of course the unsettled empire that Tug has recently taken back, and then there is the great beyond past the ~100 light year area that is explored so far by humans. Lots of universe out there to explore, and lots of alien worlds and empires that our heroes will be able to interact with.

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Not sure I love the idea of time travel, and I certainly don't love the idea of a full on prequel (though it could be fun to have a short story...I wonder if there might be some reader submissions selected for publication here?). If, however, there is someone who jumps back through time, I would imagine it would be more in character for Loki or Josh to spread the Na-Tan legend than Nathan or any of the Terran members of the crew.

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Just did a google search: "the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter."

Every writer (or show runner) creates the design of their "universe". In Ryk's there have been alien plants and animals, as well as planets suitable for humans. The only thing left for consideration is time. The universe is over 14 Billion years old, and we're talking about just over 1000 years that humanity has been spacefaring and less than 10,000 years of some form of civilization. The chance that we "just missed" a galactic empire that collapsed 100,000 years ago seems pretty high. Likewise, there could be some rodents or lizards that humans are annoyed by, that will build a galactic empire in a few tens of millions of years.

So I am looking forward to the discovery of an abandoned moon-sized starship, the meeting of an alien empire, and the addition of aliens to the crew of the Aurora, as well as the time-travel episodes. 🙂

PS - While the retelling of the Battle of Sol was somewhat difficult, I think the jump to 1000 years in the past is distant enough that there is no real issue. You know people will (mostly) die off within 100 years, and it is just a matter of whether it makes a good story.

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Honestly I don't know how I feel about introducing "Aliens" into this world. Perhaps after the 2nd series but it actually feels like it would be far to early for it to happen in the next 15 when we are really only scratching the surface still.

I would much prefer a completely new look at people in a different area of the galaxy so we can get a feel for what other people are like instead of just Earth-centric people.

I do like the idea of a prequel but I agree with others that it is FAR to soon and we certainly don't want to introduce Time Travel, that's a headache no one wants.

If we are gonna see a prequel I would REALLY love to see a series that takes place DURING the Plague, perhaps following the people that created the Data Ark?

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Ryk has said he has 5 major series in mind. Obviously Nathan is the hero and main subject of this first series. What will be in the second through fifth series?

A) Aliens?
B) Time Travel?
C) The formation of a grouping of planets, including Earth and alien races, into a rough conglomeration of worlds. Their training facilities are in San Francisco and the best starship in the fleet is captained by a brash young man who often sleeps with alien ladies and relies upon his crew to get him out of scrapes?
D) A giant stellar republic turning into an Empire due to the corruption of a feared and powerful Senator and his branch of a religion that can move objects and influence weaker minds, until the twin son and daughter of the Senator's best aide rise and destroy the feared Empire with the help of a pair of wisecracking robots?
E) The story of a massive space station in interstellar space. A place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night?

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F) An intricate system of "relays" that can send ships across the entire galaxy in the blink of an eye and centering around a massive station nestled inside of a nebula. All of which was constructed by an ancient and incredibly advanced race of AI that is bent on destroying all forms of intelligent life every million years or so?

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Ooh, I don't recognize F). What series is that? Google seems to point to Mass Effects. Isn't that a video game?

I found some cool Fan Fiction when searching for this, though. for one.

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I think that it is the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey... Maybe Jeffery can tell us if we are right or not...

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I am not too interested time travel travel for this series. I prefer time to travel naturally forward.

I am interested in the near future. Presumably the Aurora and Celestia will meet up. I could see Nathan becoming a mentor to the lt commander there acting as captain.( Could Nathan promote him to captain?) Obviously the Celestia is under- crewed. So who might move there? I would think the Takeran techs should stay on the Aurora unless temporarily needed to install plasma cannons. I think the Coronari air group should also stay - why break up a working unit?
The Corinari ground pounders could go and help provide some security force for the Celestia too- since Nathan has his army-in-a-box, and presumably the two groups would not mix well.
Should Ryk want to develop a romantic relationship between Nathan and Jessica, a move for her ,when she returns, would sidestep the ethical problem of having a relationship with someone under his command.

Possibly the the decentralization of the Takeran empire will not go as smoothly as Tug assumed with the nobles expecting him to solve their new problems with self-governance.

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And of course lots of worlds needing to be liberated from the Jung. So more space battles 🙂

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F does certainly sound like Mass Effect 1 thru 3. There are a few novels, but that plot-line mentioned centers on the games itself. It may be a game but the story is good and interesting overall, but alas not all can appreciate such things.

Nancy: I prefer time to travel naturally forward.

One thing to consider is that time dilation effects mean the rate that time moves forward varies somewhat. In any case, time travel does seem problematic. However, if the Aurora can move from point to point in space, then it suggests it may be possible to move through time as well, at least to some degree. It'll probably be a fair while before that comes up if ever since it'll require a fair bit better understanding of how the jump drive works, or at least using it in a way it hasn't been used before.

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