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Episode 7 - "Captain" Nathan recklessness

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I am only at the beginning of this episode, but I have trouble to keep reading Captain Nathan BS.

* Earth is under threat of threatening invasion by superior forces, which it is likely to loose.

* Aurora is a unique ship which: amount to half of earth modern Aircraft carriers force; contain a host of unique game changing technologies from its propulsion system, to weaponscommunicationenergyshields, manufacturing capabilities etc; unique intel about new allies, who are far more advancedstronger than what Earth has at the moment; posses crew with crucial combat experience involving battle tested new technologies. Basically it is earth single most important asset and chance to win the war.

Considering all of that, Captain Nathan push for risky experiments than can jeopardise all of this is reckless at best: "why Nathan? [..] its simple really, [..], would provide even greater advantage" bla bla I am the captain.

No one gives shit, his top priority should be to reestablish communication with command at Earth and bring that unique ship back as safely as possible, his little experiment can wait two weeks .

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I just finished that part, apparently he had a little PTSD/guilt trip over the last battle, but eventually he came to his senses. Still even though I understand that writer wanted to reinforce the whole 'weight of command' theme, for our new(a month?) captain, this exchange rubbed me the wrong way, the issue was a no brainier and I kept waiting for our mighty logical Cameron to state that playing with fate of the world can wait for two damn weeks!
