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Episode 3.10

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Just checking in to see if there is any ETA on the next episode.  I apologize if this info is on Facebook, but I do not have any social media, so this is my way to get info.  Thanks so much.

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"Enemies of my Enemy"

We should see this releasing at or shortly after the weekend

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Thank you.  

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3:10 was posted on Thursday.  Good read so far

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yess i do it

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Now that "Enemies of My Enemy" is out, does this become a spoiler topic? 81% through it...

Got a bit teary eyed at one point. 

Expected a reunion scene with Vlad, but he's been out of sight most of this book.

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@ken-dale I finished it last night, happy to talk spipoilers here or on a new thread

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@ken-dale lebihhh tepatnya siih begitu

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I liked this book a lot, probably one of the best on a while. A lot of plot movement, a lot of answers, like what happened to the Jung and Dushan caste. An unexpected reunion and an ending that I didn’t see coming. 

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It was the best of this segment so far, with the exception of the end.  Everything was planned out and executed well, but the final part seemed rushed.  I am not saying that it should have worked.  Jorim has had centuries to plan his own protection.  I know we will see him again, but I would have liked a little more detail to firm up who I believe he is before Jotta shot him.

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@vogel teng teng terengtenteng

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Agreed. When that part started and I only had a few pages left, I thought it was going to just be a no-go type thing with a twist. You are most likely right, they are leaning heavy into clones this segment so we will most likely see another Jorim in the future. 

I am still waiting for the next big bad to show. It seemed like it was the Korson, but they wiped most of their fleet already. I thought the Alliance was going to be it, but it was stated many times that Free Fleet doesn’t want that. So maybe the Alliance black ops, or the Korson heavy cruiser fleet? Not sure where Ryk will go. 

Still would love to find the Jung proper again just to see what happened. Maybe part 4?

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@telleshelmet The Free Fleet still has to deal with the Alliance A.I.  I am not sure is that will be in the next 5 books or when, but that is a bad actor that could cause a ton of issues.  I mean, Nathan has become reliant on Aurora to fly the ship, even Jessica is relying on her for firing.  Vlad has a direct neural connection to her.  Even Josh has her do half his firing for him.  The Gatazhak completely rely on their A.I. in their ship.  The Alliance main A.I. could jump them all to different galaxies and strand them all.  There are so many ways things could go bad quickly.  Deliza is a good turn, but I do not see the other Explorer class ships back in space this cycle.  However. i am looking forward to seeing Cameron back in command of a ship.  The A.I. is what bothers me.

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Here is my 2 cents.  The main Korson baddy is a baddy from the past that, as we all know by now, despises Nathan and the crew.  I am thinking Adm. G. or maybe that one sneaky son of a gun that was found floating in a dead ship in deep space and then disappeared.  

I also think that the Gatazhak need to beef up their numbers totally.  They now have the ability to create new individual people with the new bio-synth bed and can implant the Gatazhak training memories into those new clones/bio-synths.  As for the Alliance AI, I believe it will end up figuring out that the Free Fleet will leave the Alliance alone if they are left alone and also people get free will if they want to chose to stay or go.


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@mikeg There are two people that I believe could be Jorim.  They may be the same person.  I do not remember the names, but the old captain that the original Aurora rescued on the dying colony ship in the first series, and he stole a shuttle and most likely gave jump tech to the Dusahn, or the pirate that Nathan stole the fighter that Josh and Loki used to penetrate the Dusahn shields in the second series.  


I still think the big baddy will be the Alliance A.I., but there has to be a contest between Nathan and the head of the Alliance security force. 

The Gatazhak, I am not sure which direction they are going.  I could see a spinoff series of the 500 years that the Aurora jumped.  It would be pretty good.  

I think at least part of the last series should be the Aurora in another galaxy.  Not sure about the rest of the Free Fleet.  The crystal ball is murky. 

I will just be happy to read it.

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@vogel ahh yes, Mr Dubnyk. That was my thought for Jorim too. It would be something to have him come back around. He has always been a shady one with hints of him being something more than just a lucky old man.

Would love to start exploring another galaxy, maybe even see some aliens? I don’t think the topic has ever been brought up in this series. Would love to see a canon take on why the Milky Way is empty of intelligent life.

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@telleshelmet It would be interesting to see how Ryk sees the possibility of life in other galaxies.  I am also interested in how close he stays to known physics for the chances of life. 

However, I think there is still a lot of stuff to revisit, who started the Digital Plague, why they let the journalist go, and if she will survive the new internet cast she is working on, and will the A.I. re-release the bio-digital plague?

There are so many ways that spinoff novels could be done.   The rise of Ta'Kara, the rise if the Jung, Tellis and the the Ghatazak and their 500 missing years.  It goes on and on.  If Ryk has the where withal to keep working in the same universe.

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@vogel I believe Cpt Dubnik was Max the pirate from part 2 and is now Jorim. 


I would also love to see the adventures of the Ghatazhak during the Aurora's 500 year jump.

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I hope Ryk does not mind the speculation.  I am enjoying the series, and will await great stories and twists and bends.  Hopefully some group will pick it up as a series or animated series, but only if Ryk is in direct control.  Any changes for the sake of changes is a no go for me.  I mean, Jessica was fine as a Ghatazhak lite, but if they made Telles a woman, or Josh someone else, I am done.  This story arc is too good for some director to take artistic license with it.  


Anyway, anticipating the next book, enjoying the discussions, and looking forward to the last two episode arcs.
