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Episode 15 wish list

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Yeah I know its a bit early...but what the hell...lets start it up..there have been some great comments/theories for EP 15 and beyond.

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I just hope for something new. I'm not bored with the series, but the jump technology has been pretty much a one trick pony. I'd like to see either:

1) The crew come up with something new utilizing the jump technology like phasing (who needs shields), cloning of the item/ship/etc in the jump field (instant Ghatazhak army), or perhaps a rest period in between jumps where they're able to rest up and hold outside the normal universe.

2) Nanite enhancement. In the process of upgrading their nanites to fight Jung nanites they also make a few other batches. One to enhance Earth humans to make them even closer to the Ghatazhak. Better yet, adding nanite tech to the fabricators to increase production capacity. Even better yet, a self replicating nanite bomb that they can throw against resource rich asteroids and have them self assemble hulls ready to have life support systems, computers, crew, and jump drives added.

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2) Nanite enhancement. In the process of upgrading their nanites to fight Jung nanites they also make a few other batches. One to enhance Earth humans to make them even closer to the Ghatazhak. Better yet, adding nanite tech to the fabricators to increase production capacity. Even better yet, a self replicating nanite bomb that they can throw against resource rich asteroids and have them self assemble hulls ready to have life support systems, computers, crew, and jump drives added.

Nanite Missile to convert a the Jung battleships etc to resources for use in the local region.

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Nanite "mines" that can be jumped into position then lain in wait for Jung Patrols or pushed into stations / Docks to go to work on them, the mine would attach to the hulls of target objects and begin to eat into the hull in ways that allow for the instant venting of all atmosphere without warning /

Or burrow through and infest the ships computers systems, transferring control to the Alliance essentially locking out the computer systems of the ship.

I'm happy to play the waiting game, and allow the nanites a month to replicate and travel far enough through a ship to capture it whole as apposed to imediatly infecting and causing problems in the strike area. / though thats an option to.

In fairness this seems more of a Part 3-4 weapon, as Nanites haven't been used on ships yet to my knowledge.

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How about nanite goo that starts to brake down the hull at a sub atomic level?

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Nanite missiles...interesting idea...have to have some sort of fail safe timer that they are weaponized for XYZ timeframe

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I've read other books where nanites are a battle weapon. They convert the material of the enemy to make more of them. Solution for the enemy is simple. EMP.

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Yeah, nanite based weapons are either very easy to deter or very overpowered.

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Nothing says that the nanite based weapons have to survive long term. You hit a battle platform with a few nanite warheads, in all reality, the BP cannot take the time to use EMP without 1. frying their own electronics that are running no matter how well shielded, 2. if they do shut down their computers, they are setting themselves up for hard strikes while they deal with the nanites.

Nor to the nanites have to be strong or hard core weapons, you can use them to crack seals for airlocks, mess with flight deck hatches, etc...even if it just makes the armor softer (picture wet cement and someone who has walked thru it) for a short time, the attackers would have the advantage for a while.

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Sounds a lot like the Replicators on SG-1.

It seems there is a lot left to explain about the nanites. Jung nanites, Coranairian nanites, ancient pre-plague nanites... lots of questions still to be answered.

Also, questions remain about old red herring Capt Dubnick. Will he make an appearance? Or is he as dead as the first two ships from Earth? lol

It seems to me that Ryk is not going to settle the whole Jung Empire in one book. I truly believe that book 15 ends with a truce of sorts. Also, the Takarans will start expanding, taking over at least some of the nearby planets again. That leaves a very thinly spread out Alliance with two hostile empires on it's borders. Similar to the Romulans and Klingons, if you like. That lends a military tension to future books.

Ooh, ooh, that just gave me an idea - The Takarans gift the jump tech to the Jung in order to form an alliance of their own!

I thinkn that one alone should create quite a few posts. 🙂

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Is it just me (again) or would it simple be just a case of materialising a large explosive device inside any ship to destroy it, instead of continually attacking from the outside. After all, it is technology that the enemy does not have at present. Might need to design a shield or something to stop that from happening first though, in case the technology does get into the wrong hands.

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Not just you, but previously debunked.

"Jump Field" is not actually a Teleportation device (like Glactica apparently has) it just removes time from the equation of how you travel. You still travel from A to B, just in the tiniest fraction of a second. If something like an enemy ships hull gets in the way, you "drop out" of the "jump field" and then pretty much crash into what ever got in your way.

One thing I would like to know is whether or not the speed of the object matters when entering Jump or whether you need to speed up to do long range jumps... because I've been getting mixed signals on this.
My thoughts are that it probably would have an effect as the object is technically still travelling so a higher velocity would help. But also that the Jump takes the object into another universe where time is not a factor and then drops you back when the jump field collapses which happens on contact with interference from this universe or the natural decay of the field.

Its something that could be explained to the united military leaders of the new Alliance members and would also help us fans clear up our understanding of something that matters to the play out of every single decision to Jump or not...

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Ok, I've held my tongue since book one, but no longer. It's the end of the first installment of the frontiers saga and nothing but a few hints and comments have been said about Jess and Nathans romance. I want something to happen. Anything meaningful. Spend some time together alone, hook up again, actually start a relationship. Don't care what but something. Please!

Still my favorite series! Thanks Ryk!

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Does anyone else think the Takarans may gift the jump tech to the Jung in order to form an alliance of their own? This seems like the likeliest way to form a stalemate and suspend active warfare between the Alliance and the Jung, as well as the Takarans. That lets Ryk close up "Chapter One" while also leaving plenty of obstacles to overcome for Chapter Two.

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I would say close chapter one with the gifting of Jump tech in the very last scene. I mean If the Jung get Jump Tech, the only way the Alliance retain the initiative is for them to take out all Jung Shuttle/Fighter/Spaceship Construction/Repair&Refit facilities along with BP's (which would have similar capabilities). That would bring us to the end of Part 2.

What name would you give to Part 1 of the Story? - "Rise of the Alliance"?
Because part 2 would be "The Core Burns"

The Jung getting Jump drives means that the Earth is no longer necessary for the Jung. They Will Glass Earth. They would have the tech to do that, strap a one time engine to an asteroid and jump emitters to bring it close to Earth leave it to Gravity.

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