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Episode 13 spoiler thread- "hold on, wait, what?"

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I believe that most of the 500-600 Ghatazhak the Avendahl secured were taken out when Casmir's home was taken. there may still be a few on the Avendahl but not enough to do any serious offensive actions. the others that the nobles captured will be reprogrammed 400-500 i think. and probable server as the personal guards of the Nobles, I expect the nobles are hoping the Yabara Ghatazhak to be there main ground assault troops if they don't turn.

I can see the remain Ghatazhak in the PC, Train and lead the Darvano Troops, and advice on the best way to protect again assault.

I would like to think that the Yabara Ghatazhak weren't as extensively trained as the normal Ghatazhak (EG they aren't great thinks, and now that they aren't programmed to obey orders reigoursly they are hot heads and don't clamly think through the situation.) that's why i cannot see them playing the patient game with the nobles as soon as one of them tries to order them around to much, blood bath on takra, resulting in devastation all round and the common people really wanting the Deliza back, although Takra is almost an oppieded world now.

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I was under the impression that the Ybaran Ghatazack were conditioned to belief that Caius Takar was a god. I find it difficult to understand how they would flip that over to point that they hate Caius and want to kill Casmir for being in Caius's family. It might have made more sense to have the Ybaran Ghatazack attack Casmir for Caius's "murder".

I still imagine that they are going to side with Casmir because they now know Caius was responsible for they're planet being attacked and the nobles are not on the ybaran's side.

Jump battles aren't that different from warp battles, only more immediate. I would assume that it is easier for the Alliance to learn from battles because
1) They won/survived all jump battles so they have records of all jump battles.
2) They have faster communications to spread battle data to those who need it.

Yamarro Rock! Yes they have to have made a few gun boats by now!!!

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The PC is pretty much going to go into some serious disarray.

The more prestigious noble houses are going to go into disarray as the civil war breaks. Not only will the massive influx of propellant not only completely removes the ability to buy people but also increase the amount of people able to travel. Once everyone else realizes how much the "nobel" houses fucked over people for such long periods of time (and continue to manipulate with propaganda) is going to 100% backfire not only inducing the wrath of the Ybaran but the rest of the system as well. The data ark is going to contain a great amount of technology (which really prompted the attack) and its going to Coriniair (they will not surrender again).

That is just the PC, Sol is going to be just fine. Earth even after finding the data took a while to control and figure the STS system out. That will come into play but they have to have some ticks ready knowing that it was going to happen eventually.

Frankly, I would just love for Dumar to get so pissed that he just find the Jung homeward (I'm still thinking that the old guy on Tanner is actually one of the original Jung family just from trying to explain how good intentions can lead to very bad things) and KKV that shit into nothing from the experience of the nobles in the PC. Destroy the 15 or so battle platforms left and go right back to PC and fix some shit. Plutocracies are the worst form of government because in dictatorships, you kill one and the rest fall but these fuckers just keep coming. Not horrible far from the robber barrons of the early 19th century which i figured would have been compared having Scotts been history gurus.

Really liked book 13, there are some very obvious errors with using the jump drive and just throwing massive rocks at people (with zero point modules creating back holes to control gravity) but over all can't wait for 14!

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Has anyone suggested asking the oldest man alive to look at a star map and point out all the inhabited planets from his time? compare with scouting reports for "hidden" worlds.

I would like to see how the rest of the PC handles Takaran relations during a civil war.

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It wasn't the power systems or size of ship that determined the problems with the jump drive in the Aurora. It was determined that it was the materials used to create it that allows the interference from an intense gravity well.

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Yep, Yamarro Rock. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? It would seem to make sense calling the hollow asteroids whatever name and then adding rock after it as a way to distinguish them in communications. I would also like to see more of those rocks being created for Earth and Tanner.

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It's Ryk's story, let him tell it how he wants. I have no problems, and love the series.

On a side note, am I the only one that immediately thought that the nanite problems were a result of the Jung releasing the bio digital plague back into the earth?

Edit: Dammit, ok, fine, I do have one issue with this book. I miss the old gang being together.

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THANKS Ryk!!!! Really enjoyed the book.

I really felt like Sargent Weatherly's loss was frustrating. Realistic perhaps, but he deserved to go out with guns blazing.

I loved the fast paced action, but agree with others on Jessica -- way too much talking and information sharing for someone in charge of security for the most important ship in the Sol sector, let alone for a spec ops officer.

I really feel bad for Tug and the Takarian people... Surprised there were so few allies of Casimir. And that he appeared to have so little intelligence on the nobles...

Speculation on my part... I think the survival of the bio-digital plague has left Terrans with resistance to nanites of all kinds which is why some can feel them and part of the reason why they are less effective with Terrans than others... also, I think the Jung had to do a lot of work on their nanites for them to survive in Terrans... and that some Terrans are completely resistant to nanites period... with the upside and downside that presents.

I think Captain Nash is still alive and perhaps still on the scout ship... If he is still on that ship, I suggest he finds a way to separate from the battleship while in FTL... I also agree that Captain Scott must find a way to kill the battleship and the antimatter bombs or just the kkv's may offer part of the answer.

I expect the Jung to get the jump drive from discouraged and defiant Takaran nobles as they are threatened in the PC.....

Should be fun reading the upcoming episodes.

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Takaran Nobles are a wild card now. They cannot win in the PC, not with Navarro on the side of the Alliance. All they can do is fuck over themselves and the rest of the galaxy. I do like how Casmir backed them into that corner, but I would like to have some idea of what way he would stop the nobles from releasing Jump tech to pirates/jung.

With the captured scout ship I was wondering what technology the Jung would actually get.
They had the fast jump drive.
They had plasma torpedoes.
They had Laser turrets.
They did not have the ZPED's yet.
They did not have Takaran shields yet.

The materials in the jump drive ment that it couldn't jump as far as it should have been able. Gravity waves and proximity to active ZPED fields both effect the Jump drive. It was the navigational software used for plotting jumps that was upgraded allowed for short range jumps closer in to orbits around planets, etc. because the gravity associated to those planets would have been a known element.

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I thought the same thing about the nanite issue having to do with the plague, still do kind of... Weatherly, that was hard, but not entirely unexpected that a great side character was lost, not looking forward to the call the captain will make to his mother... Jess, lover her to death but she needs to shut up, way to chatty with strangers... Captain Nash is alive and will do something that will either disable the jump drive or destroy the battleship... the PC is in for a rough ride, i half expected the ships from the other worlds to show up and put down the nobles, either by firepower or a notice that they are getting no more food or supplies from the rest of the cluster, though i think the only way to solve the Nobel problem was to get them to do this so that they are removed from power forever, if the people stand up and take over that is... Great book over all, really ramping up top Epic storytelling...

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It wasn’t the power systems or size of ship that determined the problems with the jump drive in the Aurora. It was determined that it was the materials used to create it that allows the interference from an intense gravity well.

Could you cite a reference in an episode? Otherwise I'd love to hear Ryk's input on the ZPED dilemma solution

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It’s Ryk’s story, let him tell it how he wants. I have no problems, and love the series.

On a side note, am I the only one that immediately thought that the nanite problems were a result of the Jung releasing the bio digital plague back into the earth?

Edit: Dammit, ok, fine, I do have one issue with this book. I miss the old gang being together.

My thought was that the reason Terrains not infected with the Jung nanites felt discomfort was due to the plague immunity they would have inherited as descendants of the survivors. The reason the Jung nanites don't cause discomfort is they are specifically designed to override all resistance (ie the way the make Corinairi nanites ineffective) the same way modern vaccines are designed to kill us. Oops, I've said too much.

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So I'm sure this probably won't work, but shouldn't the Scout ship Jump drive auto destruct when they open it? All the text says is that he fried the circuits that allow a remote/timed destruction. If were building this, and I'm not the smartest guy in the room, I would have an auto destruct on the compartment as a failsafe that had to be manually disabled at the compartment. Further, it would have to be opened within x amount of time or reengage automatically and also reengage every time the compartment was shut back up. This so really just basic security for sensative tech. Heck my Hyundai auto locks itself. If I can think of this, Dumar surely could. Which only leaves us with the Jung seeing the manual disable sequence through Donny the Peeper.

Which brings me to (after much rethinking) being pissed off that they lost the Jump drive so easily. Many governments have kept a lot of tech secret and secure for many decades, but the Alliance cannot hang on to the most important tech ever for more than a few months? COME ON!

Sorry Ryk. I had to let it out.

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The problem is that you all are thinking in a perfect world. That doesn't apply. These are people with limited resources and limited time. How do you justify installing an automated self-destruct without first being 100% sure it isn't going to misread the situation when you open it up to repair it?

There is a lot the Alliance could do if given the time and resources. But since they have little of either, they choose to do the simplest and quickest possible.

All things must be considered when writing such a complex saga, and believe me when I say that all things are considered. Every word that goes to page does so for a reason. The problem is that in a long-tailed story, the reader doesn't always get an explanation right away, thus, it appears as if something was overlooked.

Trust me, it wasn't.

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Oookay. If you say so. I'll trust you.


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