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Episode 13 spoiler thread- "hold on, wait, what?"

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i thought only Takaran's had warships and only Takara and Darvano have jump capable jump ships. I through in the 13 Volunteers came from Haven and pale.

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CPT Nash did NOT die, at least it didn’t read as he did

I"m of the same opinion. CPT Nash is not dead, his escape pod was damaged and would not launch. The Battleship cannot tow the Scout ship into its fighter bay, due to it being so much larger than a fighter. They think everyone is dead on the ship, but when they go to board the ship, the find that the scout ship is functional and is able to escape, and now the Alliance knows where the Jung home world is. End of episode 14, the scout ship returns to Earth, and episode 15 is the alliance bring all of there ships to the Jung home world.

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Personally, I'm afraid that the 2nd set of 15 books might be about the war induced by the Takaran civil war, which most likely will spread to the rest of the Pentaurus Cluster and beyond unless Captain Navarro of the Avendahl will be able to destroy all other Takaran jump ships (and every Takaran scientist who knows how to build a jump drive). The latter of which is unlikely to be possible. There's also the problem of the Ybarans, who might turn on Lord Dahra and his cronies and try to build an Ybaran Empire where the Takaran once was. Talk about a power vacuum...

Thanks to the self-destruct mechanism that is supposed to be triggered by Casimir's death, the original data cores should be destroyed. Just saying. Or was it the copies? Either way, I really need to re-read the book at a slower pace.

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Thanks to the self-destruct mechanism that is supposed to be triggered by Casimir’s death, the original data cores should be destroyed. Just saying. Or was it the copies?

The copies were destroyed.

I’m afraid that the 2nd set of 15 books might be about the war induced by the Takaran civil war

Yup, thats what my thought its. Jump drives vs Jump drives if that happens. Although, it doesn't seem that Takaran captains understand how to use the Jump drives all that well yet. They still just slug it out. I don't think the Jump drives are going to be the primary influence in war, later in the series, it will be skill in using them, and other stuff that was saved in the data cores.

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There were copies made of the Data Arc.

The Takaran copy is liked to Casmir's life (As he is not yet mentioned as being dead, just captured and very likely to soon be dead) and still in play.

The original set was sent to Darvano. (which makes me wonder why we even made copies if the Takaran ones are destroyed on casmirs death. Darvano will need to start again) It is possible that an additional Takaran copy was sent too which would be easier to interface with as it has broken the inception.

I don't think that we have seen the last of Capt Nash, (his pod was probably sabotaged long ago by Donny Darko 😉 and he was stranded on board when it was captured)

I agree that the scout ship would be to bulky to maneuver into the holds in warp, but on a battleship I strongly suspect it would be possible to load it into the battleship out of warp and with control restored/maneuvering pots attached.

It seems likely to me that the Ybaran's would support Casmir as he was the leader of the Karuzari who fought Caius Takar (the guy who is responsible for attacked Ybara). I imagine that the Commander of the Ybaran Legion is smart enough to see the potential in allying with Casmir now to take down the Nobles who supported Caius previously and share responsibility in Caius's actions.

I think Casmir planned to have the Takaran nobles rebel so that they would be seen in a negative light by the people of Takara & leading to Revolt against the Nobles. I just hope they don't wait too long, I just hope there is something left after the ybaran legion are finished.

I see more People taken into Ghatazack training in the PC, mostly on the Ybaran side. I just hope Casmir is alive to restrain/control them

I know we have had some volunteers already, but I'm talking about larger scale involvement. It would be cool to see Volonese etc ships warp into Darvano and queuing up at the asteroid/spaceport for retrofitting with plasma weapons and jump drives...

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First related to the already ongoing discussions:
Totally agree with following:

Not enough Vlad

Nash, ... But someone needs to stop her from talking to strangers.

could mean the return of Admiral Galiardi.

I thnk the book is great, one of the better episodes.

Overall feedback to the Story:
I was frigging waiting for them to get out of defence and finally dishing out with their KKVs for the last 3 books now. The waiting and build up of the story was though worth it. Attention grabbing episode.

Death of side characters:
About time that some of the main/side characters died. I think it was well chosen and if no one ever dies when so many bullets and laser blasts ricochet it would become unbelievable. Dramatic but good scenes within this Episode.

Jump drive in the hand of the Jung:
Has to happen, sooner or later. Am just glad/hope they got a damaged version of the scout ship and get of with that, for which it will/would take them till season 2 to reconstruct it, oppose to our thousand year old captain <forgot his name> selling out Abby and her Family for a nano treatment from the Jung and ensuring a continued live and returned youth.

Pentaurus Cluster:
Nice Story development. Sad to have lost the Data Core Copy though. Now they are back to working from the old cores.
Hope Hiller downloaded some of the more interesting scripts onto his private PDA already. Can see him and Deliza working along side Abby. That would be nice.

Speculation for 14 - 15 based on 13:
Book 14
1.) A 'failed' chase to intercept the battleship that captured the Scoutship, though they sucseed at liberating the last system within 20 Light years of Sol.
2.) Nash gets demoted underneath to one of the older Spec-Ops she met who is of hire rank than here and assigned for infiltration of other Jung Systems outside the 20 light year range.
3.) Trouble in Pentaurus Cluster will increase and the Noble Houses will fall as they will be betrayed by the Yabara.
4.) Build up of hundred small ships that go on patrolling the Alliance Sector

Book 15
5.) A new technology possibility is found in the Data Arch, but will require more research until Season 2. {What could that be?}
6.) Yabara Leaders who are behind the plotting against the Noble Houses will surface and come to a peace treaty with Navarro.
7.) Three Battle Platforms show up on the way to Earth for a big show down at 15 before long wait for season two...
8.) Massive Battle - Avandal jumps in at last moment and one Jung frigate escapes with the news that they have Jump-Capable Ship that can single handedly take down an alarmed Battle-platform and the Jung keep their Distance for a decade.

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Ok. So, first, thanks Ryk for another good story.

That being said, I have to echo some sentiments about Jess (who I dearly love.) She did get too chatty. It doesn't even take a SpecOps to know that (as attested by my Medic A$$ pointing it out.) I understand that it was a plot advancing device, but it was out of character.

Now, a more general question. At one point in an early episode the ZPEDs interfered with the Jump drive. This appeared to only be in the large scale of the Aurora. It was never pointed out that this was overcome, so no ZPEDs for Celestia without an explanation please.

I also thought I read at some point in Ryk's log or some general comment by Ryk that the series would be separate generations (100 years apart or something). If I'm right, we have to wrap up a lot in two more episodes.

Casimir is dead, the text says he didn't hear (or fell, can't remember) the shot that took his life. This is not General Hospital. Not bringing Luke back.

So here's my speculation/suggestion.

Scout ship tails Battleship to the Jung homeworld. This is the obvious destination for the captured Jump drive. The Jung believe all hands are lost and/or the ship is completely disabled. No reason to board it. Best speed home is the logical choice.

In the Data Core is the code for the Plague. Comm drone is sent to Jung homeworld and broadcasts plague code on all channels and frequencies upon arrival. Jung empire implodes. Call me sick, but as the saying goes: hangin's too good for them boys.

Even if my plaque suggestion is wrong, it will take the Jung a long time to reverse engineer the Jump drive. Also, they will be steered partially wrong in terms of applying it to a BP as the large a field would not be able to use ZPEDs like the Scout ship. But this begs the question; if they are using FTL as effectively as they are, why do they need the Jump drive in combat? I have a little issue with this because we have been told all along that FTL needed a certain velocity threshold to engage, and now BOOM, not so much.

Anyway, another big thanks for the book, and not killing Jess. The kiss was good, but we need more (not explicit) but at least vocalized.


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Now, a more general question. At one point in an early episode the ZPEDs interfered with the Jump drive. This appeared to only be in the large scale of the Aurora. It was never pointed out that this was overcome, so no ZPEDs for Celestia without an explanation please.

I'm pretty sure that the ships can't have ZPED's due to inadequate shielding around them. If a ship was built right with shielding was implemented around the ZPED (Avandal), there was no issue, but the Explorer class ships can't do that due to location of power systems in the original design. With the taken the antimatter cores from Celestia, it would hint that they could replace them with ZPED's, as long as they put the correct shielding around the ZPED rooms.

I really don't see a reason to remove the antimatter cores from the Celestia, and put them into the Aurora though. A ZPED can be turned on or off at any time to boost charging of the energy banks, so I can only see the cores being used for antimatter mines against the escaping Jung battleship.

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It all depends on how long the Ta’Akan Civil War is going to last, either it’s going to end in time for the Avendalh to turn up in the Sol sector in Epi 15 to save the day. Or it’s going to be Something that lasts until series 2 in which case it’s going to be of a build up race between Daravano and Takar, Daravano would have the Data Ark Technology, Takar would might still have their shipyards.

The Avendalh is picking up some important info on jump ship to jump ship battles. The alliance needs to consider all this and test it out rather then learning what doesn't work in battle.

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Everyone is assuming the Battle Ship is headed to the Jung home world. Nope, not going there. Far away, probably just outside the original colonies, and no war ship that is not of the home fleet has those coordinates. They do not know where the Jung home world is so can't go there.

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Yamarro Rock was being refitted to be a shipyard in Darvano wasn't it? And I still don't understand why the Avendahl would have to leave Takara. Their were no ships left to challenge Cpt. Navarro and a jump shuttle could bring Deliza and the cores back to Earth. Start sending Ghatazhak to capture or kill all relatives and resources of the rebelling nobles, send jump ships to recon all systems and find the rebelling ships and destroy them.

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[quote=4837And I still don’t understand why the Avendahl would have to leave Takara.

There was a single jump ship left when Avendahl jumped away, but it, in itself is not a threat. The Avendalh could stay in Takara, but it would serve no purpose. There are thousands of Yabara already on Takara, not to mention untold thousands on their moon. The Avendahl needs to stay out of Takara until the general population revolt against the nobles. As long as it is in the system, the people will wait to see what is going to happen between the different sides. Leaving Takara will make the people decide how they want to be ruled.

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The Celestia could get a ZPM / Jump Drive (Jump Drive 2.0) hybrid that the shuttles use.

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I think you're talking about a ZPED (Zero-Point Energy Device), aren't you? But I agree, creating such a "Jump Drive 2.0" for the two explorer class ships would be awesome. Unfortunately, it's quite likely that the Jung have captured one of those (with Scout 2), giving them not only the Jump Drive technology, but also the ZPED technology. Unless someone manages to foil them, that is.

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Are there still Ghatazhak-on-ice? I thought House Ta'Akar had control of them. So are they up for grabs now? Maybe
that would be one of the Avendahl' s missions: to protect or liberate them.

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