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We all miss your analysis, Tomcat.

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Well, I've got one issue in Balance that needs rectifying; At the start of Chapter 5 CDR. Bastyan is referred to as a "her"(B20/KL1854) = (Book 20/Kindle Location 1854) when dressing down Aiden & Kenji. At KL2956 CDR Bastyan is referred to as "he" when congratulating the Cobra class on being assigned their ships. Easy to correct: just subtract an "r" or add an "s". That's the extent of my "others" with Balance.

I thought that with 20 books in the hopper it might be interesting to see who, what, where and how the various characters/people that Ryk has created have faired to date. So here goes.

Alive and Well:
1. Capt. Nathan (Na Tan, Conner Tuplo) Scott did die but we now have a clone that may have enhanced capabilities.
2. Capt. Cameron (Cam) Taylor lost the Celestia in the battle over the Jung home world, survived and has been the "Skipper" of the Aurora for the past 7 years.
3. General Lucius Telles still the leader of the Ghatazhak.
4. CDR. Vladimir (Vlad) Kamenetskiy still the Aurora's CHENG and all around Mr. Fixit.
5. Lt. (LCDR) Jessica Nash former EDF spec-ops now first female Ghatazhak.
6. Josh Hayes can and does pilot anything that flies-always to the edge.
7. Loki Sheehan 2nd part of the dynamic flying duo has saved Josh's bacon time and time again. A thinking mans pilot.
8. Deliza Ta'Akar heir to the House Ta'Akar and only surviving member of the Ta'Akar family she has become a galactic force to wrecken with.
9. Marcus the crusty, always faithful ex-Master Chief and COB. His persona cracks me up at times.
10. Capt. Robert (Bobart) Nash ex-Cobra CO has now gone rogue joining the Karuzari.
11. Capt. Gil Roselle former CO of the Benakh also gone rogue joining the Karuzari.
12. Yanni Hiller keeper of the Data Ark and Deliza's husband.
13. President Scott head of the Terran Union and Alliance within the core.
14. Adm. Giliardi head of all Sol Alliance military forces. Not convinced that the effects of Jung interrogations and re-programming are in the past with this guy. In a nut shell - I don't trust him as he has ulterior motives.
15. LCDR (RADM) Kovicic ex-Celestia XO and now Chief of EDF personnel.
16. LCDR Kono still the Aurora's sensor/tactical officer.
17. CDR Michael Willard ex-Aurora XO returned to Corinair and is now helping to establish a Corinari resistance to the Dusahn.
18. Master Chief Doran Montrose ex-Aurora COB, returned to Corinair and is Ranni Enterprises security chief.
19. CDR. Kainan, Lt. Laftee & SGT Torwell still General Telles combat shuttle crew.
20. Miri Scott-Thornston President Scotts daughter becomes his closest advisor.

Killed in Action

1. Prince Cashmire (Tug) Ta'Akar ( and daughter Nayley) heir to the house Ta'Akar, leader of the Takarans he was brutally murdered by Ybaran Ghatazhak. This is also a major thread in the Saga and Tugs death actually sets up the PC for the Dusahn to easily conquer.
2. Adm. Maxwell (Trevon) Dumar returned to Corinair and his family. Killed getting Doctors Sato & Metis, Yanni and Lokis wife off of Corinair.
3. Sgt. Weatherly was Nathans body guard until killed in the mini-jub sub on Kohara.
4. MSGT. (CDR) Jahal second in command of the Ghatazhak killed by the Dusahn Zen-Anor troops on Burgess.
5. Maj. Waddell CO of the Corinari platoon on the Aurora "ate his gun" trying to rescue Jessica in Australia.
6. Mr. Gerard was the Tannan resistance leader perished along with many others on the Jar-Kuerog.
7. Lt. Montgomery master Takaran engineer was lost on the Jar-Kuerog.
8. General Becca first Jung military leader on Earth got his just dues when Telles helped him commit suicide on Nor-Patri.
9. Lt. Luis Delaveaga was Nathans academy roommate/buddy, tactics officer on the Celestia. Went down with the Celestia saving CDR Taylors life.
10. Lt (CDR) Eckert originally the Auroras tactical officer he became Capt Nashs XO on Cobra 3. Was killed keeping the ship out of Jung hands.
11. Lt Randeen assigned as the Auroras tactical officer he died when the Aurora jump with a big portion of the Jar-Kuerogs hull.
12. CDR Jarzo was the Commander of the Evandahls Takaran fighter squadrons. He was the last Takaran fighter alive until KIA attacking the Kohara Cobra plant defenders.
13. MSGT Todd & LCDR Lazo of the Ghatazhak were killed in Cobra 9 on Kohara.
14. Synda relocated to Tanna , got married, had twin girls only to die when the Jung nuked Tanna.

More to follow soon in another post.

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Carrying on the theme from my post above.

Where's Waldo

1. Capt. Suvan Navarro was on vacation when the Dusahn destroyed the Avandahl. Has yet to re-appear.
2. Maj. Pritchett the Aurora's CAG. I think he returned to Corinair but has not re-appeared.
3. Capt. Dubnyk escaped the glassing of Tanna by stealing a jump capable shuttle. Wherever he ended up the Dusahn got the jump drive technology from him. More than likely we will see him again.
4. Lt. Jonathan Tillardi one of Nathans good friends and weapons development expert. I think he is working special projects on earth.
5. Naralena communication officer & linguistics specialist on the Aurora returned to her home planet Volon. Had a thing for Gerard Bowden.
6. Lcdr. Gerard Bowden the EDF spec-ops agent on Kohara that spoke fluent Jung and was instrumental in helping the Alliance liberate the Tau Ceti system.
7. Mr. Bryant the right hand man to Adm. Dumar ran the Karuzari astroid base. He returned to Corinair but has not yet re-appeared.
8. Lt Yosef the science officer onboard the Aurora she took over the sensor operator position and had a fling with Josh. She may have gone down with the Celestia because she just disappeared from the story.
9. Mr. Riley the Aurora's navigator returned home to Corinair
10. Mr. Chiles the Aurora's helmsman returned home to Corinair.
11. Mr. Navashee took over Aurora's Tactical station when Mr. Randeen was KIA.
12. Mr. Jakoby - Not sure whether he made it or not.
13. Sgt. Ochsley was Lt Telles original Ghatazhak platoon sergeant when they first came out of stasis. Figure he bought the farm somewhere but not sure when or where.
14. Maj. MacCullum arrived with 20 402's (Falcons) just in time to take out the Jung Battle platform that was in orbit around Earth. He was the CAG onboard the Celestia so he may have been KIA but nothing to confirm that supposition.

"Newbies" or as referred to in the Navy as "Nuggets"

1. Ens. Aiden Walsh CO of Cobra 383.
2. Ens. Ken Lowen XO of Cobra 383.
3. Ens. Channelle Tegg CO of Cobra 382.
4. Ens. Sari Wabash XO of Cobra 382.
5. Dalen Voss engineer for Capt. Tuplo on the Seiiki
6. Neli crew on the Seiiki and Marcus's main squeeze.
7. Cdr. Lara Kaplan XO on the Aurora.
8. Birk Gorry joined the Corinari resistance.
9. Cuddy Birks friend got dragged into joining the Corinari resistance.
10. Tarig Aspen communications expert for Lord Mahtize on Takara. He volunteered to spy for the Karuzari.
11. Tensen Delett has been off world but has returned to Takara to try to foment a rebellion. He appears to have some previous connection to the nobles.

Between these two posts that is a lot of characters/people. Who knows what Ryk will conjure up over the next 55 books.

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You forgot one.

Killed in Action

Tony. Splat.

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Tensen Dalott is not a newbie.
My guess is that he is Suvan Navarro:

Chapter Three of Balance, somewhere in the middle. Tensen Dalot travelt alone (without his wife) home, is well connected, lived 7 years on Corinair, was born on Takar, departed on bad terms, and so on. In my opinion everythins points to Suvan Navarro.

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To the plot:

In my opinion everything is exactly what it appears to be.

Dusahn: They want PC to build as their nucleus for an empire. The only force stopping them could be (in their opinion) the Alliance especially the Sol sector. Therefore they started a false-flag campaign and tried to start a conflict between Alliance and Jung.

Jung: I do not know what they will do. Only the battle plattforms are staying in their home-system. Around 50 space ships are unaccounted for and on their way to ... I do not know. The Jung are rather straight in their beliefs and actions. They will retaliate somewhere. If I have to guess, they will go for Earth.

Alliance: I am a little suprised how passive the different members (except Sol) are acting. But this will change in the next book.

Earth: Right now the decision is pending wether to strike at the battle plattforms or not. There are still a few days left until the alliance member will convene in order to vote on Giliardi proposal. But President Scott has been informed by Nathan what really is happening.

What I think will happen in the next book:
I am expecting a show-down between President Scott und Admiral Giliardi. Giliardi will have problems explaining his actions. He can either admit he did wrong by withholding information and trying to manipulate everything. Such a "mistake" would end his political career before it even started. Or he has to act by taking over Earth. I tend to the later solution.
In the PC will not happen too much. The Dusahn want to keep everything quiet and build-up the power and the revived Karuzari (or however it is spelled) is also trying to build up their power. On Corinair the resistance will grow and on Ta'Akar (this spelling looks familiar) is Suvan Navarro (aka Tensen Dalott) trying to organize a resistance.
Aurora will be outfitted with the stealth jump drive and maybe they get the Z-Peds, which are still floating in space (see the first book where Connor saved the people and not the cargo).

Long term expectations:
Alliance will shatter, Earth will be attackt by Jung and the whole Sol-Sector has to be saved by Na-Tan (once again) after he freed PC (once again). Nothing wrong with that. 🙂

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How many Cobra-Gunships has been "freed" by Nathan?

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Its been a while since I read Balance so I may be wrong, but I'm thinking 8-10.

As far as I remember they had 10 crews going in, +2 additions, then lost 2 on the tracks. I'm not sure if they lost any in orbit but I think they did, so say 8-10?

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Ok a little more data analysis in preparation of the next book.

Fweygo - I think you are spot on with regards to Capt. Navarro being Tensen Delett.
Whose Who - Dr. Sorenson (Abby) is back with the Karuzari and will install stealth jump drives.

Cobra gunships "Liberated" - 9 of 12 as per the following; (Cobra #/Crew/# Ghatazach on board)

Cobra #382/Chanelle & Suri/1G. Jumped away safely.
Cobra #383/Aiden, Kensi & full crew/1G. Survived "bouncing" off an embankment and subsequently arrived at rndvz pt.
Cobra #3/Josh & Yanni/0G. Took damage but managed to jump safely away.
Cobra #4/Lokie & Deliza/0G. Jumped safely away.
Cobra #5/CDR Ellison & Sgt. Notoni/3G. Got shot up by Super Eagles on the launch rail and Roselle shot him out of the way. Destroyed.
Cobra #6/Gil Roselle & Sgt Ayers/2G. Jumped safely away after providing cover for the remaining "Rogue" Cobra's.
Cobra #7/Lt Jessup/2G. Got destroyed in space.
Cobra #8/CDR Kellan/2G. Jumped safely away.
Cobra #9/Lcdr Lazo & MSgt Todd/3G. Destroyed on the launch rail.
Cobra #1/Robert and Jessica Nash/1G. Jumped safely away.
Cobra #2/Nathan & Vlad/3G. Jumped safely away.
Cobra #10/Telles & MSgt. Willem/5G + Combat 1 flight crew. Got shot up but still managed to jump safely away.

The Ghatazach chain of command has been decimated. Cdr Jahal was killed on Burgess. The "liberation" of the Cobra gunships took a heavy toll on them as well as LCDR Lazo, Lt Jessup and Msgt Todd all perished.

Ghatazach remaining after the fight with the Zen Anor troops on Burgess = 237.(BK4)
Ghatazach KIA rescuing the Mystic Express = 2
Ghatazach KIA during the Cobra plant raid = ~11. WIA = ~5.

Ghatazach remaining: ~224

All 21 Takaran "Raker" fighters from the Avendahl that survived the Dushan attack have been destroyed. The loss of the pilots is significant.

Karuzari Fleet composition: Aurora, Glendanon, Morsiko-Tavi, Mystic Express, 9 Cobra gunships (3 need repair), Jagaron (mining ship), Villaneuva (tanker), + 2 more tankers, 3 cargo, 4 boxcars = 24 Total assets.

Number of Dushan ships in the PC: 18 Large (4BB/6CG/8FF), 12 Gunships & 3 others (BK4/KL2927).

Number of Dushan ships destroyed in the PC:
Battle for Takara - 1 FF destroyed by a Takaran DD.
Battle for Corinair - 1BB/2CG/1 Troop transport all destroyed by the Avendahl.
2nd Battle over Corinair - 1CG/Possibly a gunship or 2 destroyed by the Aurora.

Number of Dushan ships destroyed during the False Flag operation in the SOL Sector:
Battle at 82 Eridian - 1CG/2FF. Tanna killed the CG and Belem killed 1-2 FF.
Battle at Alpha Centauri - 2CG/2FF. Cape Town gets the 2 CG's and Cobra packs get the FF's.
Battle at SOL Heliopause - 1BB/2FF. Cape Town take out the BB and 1 FF while the Aurora kills 1 FF.

Number of Jung ships moving/unaccounted for = 47.

Looking forward to Book 6.

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In fairness the battles around Sol could have involved overlapping ships, but I really like what you have done here! I think that it is a very good first step to equip the Cobra's with the stealth Jump tech, and follow on with the fighters and the carriers. The Aurora has the range, maneuverability and armor to last longest without the upgrades.

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