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Terran Years compared to other planets

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I really love and enjoy the Frontiers Saga book series.  I am just curious about how the years on other planets compare or equate to Terran years. I know Corinairian years have been mentioned as well as Koharan.  How do Takaran years compare?

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Posts: 25
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The closest I’ve seen in comparing all the years together, that I recall, and maybe being able to come up with some formulas to calculate all the various differences is in “Escalation”.  Near the start of the story Deliza Ta’Akar is on Dobson speaking with Mr. Angus of the Pentaurus Trade Commission, negotiating per pound shipping rates.  As Deliza gains the upper hand in the negotiation, he asks “How old are you?”  Deliza responds “27 Earth years, 32 by Haven’s calendar, 26 on Corinair, and I believe 25 and a half by your world’s standards”.  I mostly see Earth and Corinair compared but I bet somewhere a comparison to Takar is mentioned too, I just don’t remember where.

We should add this to the Wiki (, the Earth year comparisons.  That’d be fun.
