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Question for Ryk

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@darkscribe Remember that meteorite that blew up over Russia a few years ago? It blew out windows for miles, and it didn't hit the ground. A Mini KKV while smaller would have much greater velocity.

A Mini KKV would probably be disintegrate in the high atmosphere, as the speeds and stresses tore it apart. I have no idea what effect that would have, but I imagine at ground level it would be survivable.

Now if the Mini KKV was designed specifically for reentry, then the level of devastation would be huge. If a Large city was hit then you would be left with a ring of busted up suburbs around wasteland with a crater in the middle the size of a football stadium.

I'm left with a voice in my head saying "The Quads an't so bad."

Remind me how many established Jung Installations we have seen that have not been near populated areas?

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Hey Ryk,

May I ask if the first episodes are still selling? We, the addicts here, have been buying them as they come out, so the sales curve would follow as each new book comes out. What I'm wondering is have you reached your peak readership, or if there are new folks coming in all the time?

I appreciate your time. Thanks.

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@rykbrown Have you considered releasing a reference guide to your universe?

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Assuming the blast would be equal to a tactical nuke, I expect the collateral damage to be considerably worse than with rail guns. If you look at the kinetic energy of even a small KKV, you'd realize that what you are proposing is a bit like taking a bazooka to a pistol duel.

Also, the KKV would likely never reach the target. It would likely burn up in the atmosphere. Even if it didn't it would likely come apart because of the atmosphere before reaching the ground target, and create one hell of a blast wave that would cause even more collateral damage. Another problem is accuracy. Something the size of a missile (assuming it doesn't burn up on atmospheric interface) is going to have its trajectory affected by the atmosphere.

Seriously, not a good plan. If you want to strike ground targets from orbit without collateral damage, your best bet is for a smaller ship, such as a Falcon or Eagle, to jump into the atmosphere and launch conventional precision weapons.

I learned early on not to over-complicate the tech. Do something because it sounds cool doesn't work as well as doing something that makes sense, both technically and logistically. Sometimes throwing a rock instead of shooting a gun makes more sense. Not as cool, but more believable. In Sci Fi, we sometimes have to take leaps of imagination to make the story work, but doing so too much just makes it unbelievable.

As to your last question, it depends on where you hit it. A bird strike in the engine intake can take down a jet, but if you shoot a gun at it and hit it in the nose, you'll just piss off the pilot. There is not absolute correct answer there.

I appreciate your interest, but I have to stop answering questions now and get back to finishing book 15.

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@rykrbwon Thank you for your time. I appreciate the information.

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The last book of the The Frontiers Saga, Which Other Men Cannot Do #15. It came out in paper back on Dec 27, 2015. Will this be put in audio format? When can I look for it?

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Hi I have a question for about the second part of the saga will you tell us about what happened to the crew of aurora and the others especially to captain Nathan Scott...

Thank you

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Ryk, your giving it all away!!!

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