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Oort Cloud

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How different is the TFS Oort Cloud to the real life variant?

Obviously realism in books(and other mediums) takes second seat to storynarrative. However, I am at the point in the adventure, in which the action is at the back steps of earth and my I am looking for more points of reference to get a more vivid image of whats going on.

Is this illustration is in line with TFS universe?
(EDIT: image don't show for me, so here is the link. EDIT2: NM)

Also if I got it right, the oort cloud encompass The United Earth Republic sphere of influnce, its edge (or one light year) is the order of Earth space ( I think that originally Nathan was suppose to be station there and Aurora first mission was to jump out side of it )

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Mor -
Ryk typically keeps the science true to the 'real world'. So the real world Oort Cloud, is very similar to the TFS Oort Cloud

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Yup, that's pretty much what I had in mind. As far as what they would have considered EDF space, I'm not sure. We only consider 12 miles off our coast as US airspace. Considering that the Defender class ships were sublight, I don't imagine they were going to venture much further than the Kuiper belt, maybe into the inner portions of the Oort.
