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How does everyone comminucate so easily?

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I must have missed something near the end of book 1. I just finished episode 4 and I keep wondering how everyone can communicate so easily.

When everyone first meets Jalia, they can barely communicate and it takes awhile for anyone to really realize they have a common language. Communication is very difficult and slow.

Starting in book 2 nobody has any problems communicating at all. Is there something that I missed in book 1 where they get universal translators or something?

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I really hope I don't spoil any of the story for you but its a fair point. Everyone in the PC speaks their own local languages and an international one (Takaran or previously Angla). Originally the Karazari who boarded the Aurora were speaking either Takaran or some other local languages (those being amalgamations of Earth languages). Eventually they revealed that they had a language "Angla" which is very similar to English and that is the Language that the PC use to speak with the Aurora and the Sol Alliance.

Going back further, in the Netcasts we learn that English is being used as the international language for the Core worlds and for beyond as a means of maintaining communications (could have been any Major Language, but for the purposes of the story its English). Because of the fact that Technology was failing due to the Bio-Digital plague, and the lack of proper infrastructure to maintain power and repair computers, the lack of printed material, the distance and time between the multiple groups making contact it is completely understandable that the English we know would be different to the Angla they know.

Around Sol, English would have been maintained as a popular language due to the original populations bringing it with them to the Core worlds. The more removed worlds may not have maintained English however, that is a valid point.
I do imagine however that every electronic Device would have been patched for multiple languages, and therefor their is the possibility that they would have had to work up a translator like in Star Trek or some spin off of Google Translate etc.

Mostly for the sake of telling a story, its easier if everyone who interacts has some common language. English, Takaran, Jung, Angla, are very commonly used international Languages for this story now but please bare in mind that all EDF recruits were initially encouraged to learn multiple Languages for when they would eventually meet other cultures. Jess knew at least 3 (Portuguese and Spanish I believe). Connor more recently speak or at least read Takaran and Angla now. Vlad still speaks Russian

We the readers are reading in our other local languages (mostly English), and for the purposes of the story read everything in those languages. We need to know what two Takaran Nobles are saying not specifically what language they are conversing in. We have seen/you will see, especially on Corinair or with the Jung, that not everyone spoke Angla/English. We know that there are multiple different languages and dialects of each language on Earth, it must be so much worse though-out the universe. I wouldn't worry about it and just enjoy the story.
