As Mr Brown has just put out book 1-3 on iTunes it currently does not have enough reviews for them to show.
I logged into iTunes and downloaded Ep 1 thru 3 (free) and gave my honest review of the same.
Now I will try out the iTunes reader app and compare it kindle.
Good call. I hadn't even thought to do that. I'll be reviewing it right now myself.
Huh, just saw the books in the iTunes store. Grabbed the freebie Vol I-III and rated it highly. Didn't suffer too much guilt since I had already paid for them individually on Kindle.
Going to try something. iBooks offers one feature Kindle doesn't have. That's where the reading can be like a scroll, where there are no defined pages, just a long scrolling body of text. Going to try that as I re-read Vol I again, to see if it impacts my pleasure or effectiveness at reading.
Thanks, Ryk!