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Scout Ships ,fast attack craft.

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So I have some points.

should the scout ships have names, to me anything which isn't given a clear name isn't going to last long (eg the Auroras First con officer, who was just referred to coms officer)

should the Cobra Fast Attach Craft going to be name after snakes? (Or at least those that strike fast?)

and what's the difference between the Fast attach craft and gun boats, gun ships?

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There are 28 types of Cobra (the only snake that can spit venom) out of 270 types of snake. That should keep them going for a while. Of course they could end up just using Tannan names. It might be easier though to keep a numbering system for them, the Eagles, and the Falcons and maybe using Pilot call-signs (Capt Nash's call-sign should be "King Cobra")

What designation are they going to get FA-101 (for Fast Attack)? Or are they going to follow the scout ship designations... and what are those JS-01 (for Jump Scout)?

As far as I'm concerned, the Fast Attack Ship's are the Alliance version of a Gun Boat, I imagine because it sounds better / and to easily differentiate between Jung and Alliances craft.

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Gunboat/Gunship = An standard ship with a lot of guns, and could be anything smaller than a frigate but larger than a scout ship.

Fast Attack Gunship = A ship, usually smaller in size, designed to be fast and maneuverable, with substantial weaponry. They might range in size from a large shuttle to a small standard gunship.

As to whether or not to name ships, I use the formula of 'if they can eat, sleep, shower, and shit on board, it gets a name, otherwise, it gets a number.' In other words, if it's designed to be on long term patrol, missions, etc, (like, several days) then it needs a name. But if you get in it, fly your mission, and then come back to base, all in the same day, no name.

Why the scout ships never got names? I have no clue. I guess the EDF had a different criteria, like size, number of crew, etc...

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Makes sense. I would argue that the scout ships were not armed and as such not warships. Also as the scouts were ecentially spying, it was probably a good idea for them to be as nameless as possible in case of capture...

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thank you @rykbrown

I would think that the crews did name them, but it was just a nickname.

Was also just thinking that these F.A.G.'s would patrol in squadrons of 5 that way they have enough fire power to take on a cruiser with easy, and if they come up against anything bigger one or more is likely to get away and warn the alliance.

Also I think there should be a sub class for long term stealth recon. Stealth coating, extra passive sense enhance intelligence and single monitoring an analysis gear.

I would see the production go 5 squadrons of 5 F.A.G.'s (First 25) then a squadron of Stealth Attach Gunships (S.A.G.s)

I have Lost Count of how many liberated systems there are in the Sol sector now. but I think it's 5 , this would mean a squadron per systems with the S.A.G.s scouting out the worlds 20-30 light years out, plus watching for random Jung ships heading towards alliance worlds.

I would also like to see a squadron or 2 head back to the PC to back up the Avandol

just my thoughts

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I really don't want to think of the Team America Movie (or a derogatory term) every time a Fast Attack ship is mentioned...

I do like the idea of modules being switched out depending on the mission, but it doesn't make sense when dealing with barely trained recruits. It is easier to train Scouts and Front line officers differently and put them in a ship with one role only at least for the short term.

More time could be devoted to the second batch of Tannan officers, they could undergo more intensive training. After the second set of Officers launch, the first set could then be reviewed and possible undergo further specialized or more rounded training to bring all Officers up to the same level (this should not take long as they will have experience at this stage).

The third and subsequent sets of Officers would enter training, preformed by the earlier experienced officers who will rotate between Training, Down-time and Active Service. But also provided by Officers assigned to Tannan Command which should be forming at the same time / or a section specific to Training and Officer Review.

I to see the Cobra's training to fight in squads of at least 3. The squads can grow as Cobra's become available.

Cobra's could get to the PC fairly fast (3-4 days) and if they were sent to support the Avendalh, I imagine the Takaran Nobles would not be as threatened as if a frigate or Cruiser showed up. I would really like to see the best of the Tannan officers go to the PC because it would be a delicate balance between keeping order and Forcing the Takaran Nobles to join the Jung.

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Fast Attach Gunship
Class: Corba
Mission Profiles: In System Defence
Deep Space Detection Patrols
Wolf Pack Style Attaches
FTL Drive: Jump Drive:
Max Range: 1 LY
Recharge Rate: 0.01 LY/H
Control systems: Version 3.0"
Sub Light Dirve: Classified
Power: 4 Fusion Reactors
Thrashers: Classified
Sensors: Advanced Takaran Sensors
& Addition Module Support
Crew: Pilot
Weapons Systems Engineer
Systems Engineer
2x Gunners
Weapons: Primary
4 x Mk 3 Plasma Torpedo Cannons
(Forward Facing)
2 x Quad Barrelled Mk 2 Plasma Cannon Turrets
(Side Mounted amidships on extending mounts)
Point Defence
8 x Twin Barrelled Mk 1 Plasma Cannon Turrets
(Mounted in a Diamond Pattern both Top and Bottom of engine Section)"
Armour: Classified
Absorbative Coating"
Shields: Classified

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Engines and Thrusters were mentioned in Ep.14 (look for Deliza's meeting with the Corinair business men)

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Length: 100M
Width: 50M
Height: 20M

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I raise the Question as to why the Captain pilots the Scout Ships?

Is it that the scout ship is more responsive and the captain is not distracted as much with maneuvers?

Will the Captain of the Fast Attack Ship be the Pilot too?

Will the Captain of the Fast attack ship be a rank Captain or just file the role of Captain of the Ship?

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I would assume it has more to do with the small size of the scout ship/fast attack ship's crew. The captain most likely pilots the ship because there isn't an officer that can be dedicated to that task. That is probably also why the executive officer serves as second seat to the captain as navigator.

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Think of the crew of a scout ship/gunship as the crew of a modern day bomber. The pilot is the CO, the copilot is the XO. The rest of the crew are specialists of varying ranks, the most senior of which is third in line of command.

The role of XO on a scout ship isn't really the same thing as on a bigger ship like the Aurora. It's more copilot, navigator, second in command. Not as much logistical and organizational work, which is more shared between CO and XO.

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Good point, I didn't think of a Bomber being a modern day scout/gunship equivalent. I was thinking of a submarine which would have a dedicated pilot, but wouldn't really fill the same type of role.
