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Website Teaser Video for Episode 6

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Okay, so I just checked in here for the first time since early August and lo-and-behold, there's an awesome video sitting there on the home page as a teaser for Ep. 6.
Ryk, whatever it is you are doing here, keep doing it and doing it more, unless it interferes with you churning out episodes 7,8,9,10, etc., in which case, let whoever else is doing it keep doing it and doing it more! (phew, that was awkward).

So for my comment, I love the concept of creating teaser Vids for The Frontiers Saga, there's such a wealth of material available that you could probably generate enough to start your own animated TV series. So long as it's someone else spending the time doing it cuz my friend, you have many more episodes to write! lol

For my suggestion, when you're not writing (which, hopefully is never) I think your next video should introduce the rest of humanity to The Frontiers Saga as a whole. According to the Ep. 6 Amazon page - The Frontiers Saga is now the "#1 Best Seller in Space Exploration Science Fiction eBooks." Would love to see this series as a N.Y. Times best selling sci-fi series. 😉

Last comment: Your writing style, story lines and character development just keep getting better and better with each installment. The Frontiers Saga is an epic, sci-fi, space opera masterpiece. No kidding, I'm beginning to think that in many ways, TFS has surpassed Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" in scope and breadth of a future that has yet to be. I would love to sit down over beers one night and hear how you came up with this sweeping concept and excellent story arc. It is a truly stunning accomplishment, and I'm looking forward to enjoying your story telling for many years to come. To say that I'm really glad I stumbled across Aurora CV-1 way back in Dec. 2011 (Holy Cow! Can you believe it's been almost 6 years since the goodness got started?) would be a huge understatement. So Ryk, in the immortal words of Hedley Lamarr from Blazing Saddles - keep doing that voodoo that you do so well!

- Jed
