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Just finished part 1

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I posted a review to Amazon and I am posting here as well. I'm a bit picky on the Sci Fi that I read. I have read plenty of "just ok" Sci Fi books. I confess that I will read them because there isn't anything else to read. Frequently, at the end of it I remain disappointed in some way.

I really enjoyed reading the entire Part 1 via Kindle Unlimited. I actually finished reading the whole series inside of three weeks and what a blast it was! It's a great mix of Asimov-ian intrigue with Clancy-style militarism. The science behind it is believable and precise. Also, the number of errors is very few -- I think I only saw six typos or grammar errors in all of those thousands of pages -- a rare feat.

The characters are quite believable and it is easy to be invested in one or more characters. Suspicions that are developed in one book (a certain old captain) prove correct much later in the series. So continuity works all throughout the series as well.

Thanks for writing a great series. My only regret at this point is that I will probably finish reading the next set of 8 books (Netcast and Part 2) within two weeks and...will have to wait patiently until more is released.

I can easily see this adapted to either a TV Series or Movie series by Netflix.
