Some of you may have noticed that my books have disappeared from both Apple and Google. (Or “Appoogle” as I call them.) After a lot of research, thought, and number crunching, I’ve decided that I could no longer utilize those platforms. I know that many of you will be angry, as you may not be able to purchase through Amazon in your country. I am working on a way to rectify that problem, but as of yet, I cannot promise that it will happen, let alone when.
The problem is that neither Google nor Apple are well thought out sales platform. (Which is not too surprising, since Apple is only interested in sucking you into their world, and Google loves to come up with cool ideas but never bothers to think them through.) It is nearly impossible to get the ball rolling on either of those platforms. A reader cannot even search back through the pages, searching through the rankings until they find something they want to buy. Basically, Appoogle says “this is all we’re going to show you, and if you don’t like any of them, tough.” To find my own books, I have to basically search my name, which makes it highly unlikely that many new readers will stumble across my books.
Granted, I may not have spent enough time trying to figure out how to find stuff on their sites, but therein lies the point. As a reader, we shouldn’t have to. That’s when I realized that Amazon has a bigger share of the market simply because they are much better at presenting you with something you will like.
There are two other reasons that I decided to discontinue my attempt to sell through Appoogle. First, I was losing about 50% of my revenue per month! (That alone should be enough of a reason.) The second is that my mailing list signup rate has also dropped by 50%, which, surprisingly, hurts even more. I have always believed that my mailing list is my safety net. With a large enough mailing list, should Amazon suddenly no longer sell ebooks, (or should their terms suddenly become intolerable) I am guaranteed the ability to continue to make a living writing my stories.
I recently traveled to Seattle, where I had a chance to meet with people from Amazon, and learn a bit more about the Kindle Desktop Publishing program, as well as the Select and Kindle Unlimited Programs. After that meeting, I feel a little more confident in the future of Select and Kindle Unlimited. It was after that meeting that I sat down and started taking a serious look at the sales and mailing list numbers from the previous 3 months.
It was a mistake for me to start selling through Appoogle at this time. Someday, I’m sure I will return to those platforms, despite their remarkably poor design. But I’m afraid that day is further away than I had thought. I still have a lot of stories to write, and for me to be able to continue writing them, and continue expanding this website, and to fund all the related projects I hope to do (but cannot discuss at this time) I have to make a living. Right now, the best way to do that is through Amazon, exclusively.
So, are you going to put your books back on Kindle Unlimited?
Yes. In fact, they are all live now, including episode 13.
I was trawling through Audible for some new Sci-Fi to listen too and I purchased the first book and wthin two days I had bought them all WOW!!! Ryk Man you have go me HOOKED LINE AND SINKER and then I found your website……….Even More WOW I have put you up there with my favourite Si-Fi author Ben Bova, I cannot wait for episode 14 to come out, all I ask is please don’t cut us audible listens off at the ears, is 14 near to fruition yet?? especially as the Jung have gained the jump drive?? well keep it coming Ryk I’m chomping at the bit,
Marcus H
Hello Ryk,
Can you tell me, are you going to have the new episodes put onto audible format in the near future?? I have withdrawral sydrome.
Best wishes,
Marcus H
Cambridge UK
Man gotta eat! Love the books and will support you on any format you can use (I do enjoy the easy use of Kindle though). As long as you can put this amazing story together I’ll be there Ryk. Can’t wait to start episode 13.
Are you going to sell through Smashwords?
Nope. The original plan was always to remain exclusive with Amazon up until I have a large enough mailing list to guarantee financial security. I’m not quite there yet. Besides, I see no reason to pay an aggregator to do what I could do myself.
Ryk been reading and its been great book so far. I was shocked to see it on amazon unlimited and did get it from there but do plan on buying it in time along with audible version when ever you get around to it.
Ouch.. I recently purchased $50 dollars in Google play gift cards about 5 days so I could buy all of the Frontiers Saga books. Bought up to Book 8 a few days ago, and was going to buy the rest today 🙁 Didn’t realize that Google was hosing you so badly (50%? Wow. Would of thought 30% at the max. Hopefully you have a better deal with Amazon). Aside: I didn’t have any troubles finding the book 1-3 free starter, which hooked me to buy the rest 🙂 Keep up the good work.
I was wondering if you considered selling ebooks on your own site as well? I’d much prefer epub format which people could download right from this web site. Dwolla (Paypal alternative) charges you no fees for transactions under $10 so that would mean 100% profit for you minus the server bandwidth. Just a though…
Anyway, I just bought episodes 1-3 and look forward to reading them. If you’re interested in setting up some kind of direct payment system on your site just let me know and I’d be happy to help (for free).
The problem with selling thru my site is that would greatly decrease the sales on Amazon, which would lower my ranking and decrease my visibility for new readers. Perhaps someday, once my readership is larger enough, that may be possible. That is one of the reasons for my mailing list. To ensure that if Amazon suddenly went toes up, I could still survive.
Is it feasible to sell from your website ONLY to counties that can’t buy through Amazon?
The back story of your life is a guy down on his luck and tried writing and was really really good at it. Now it sounds like you are trying to maximize profits beyond what you can spend and/or need. You have already stated your success which I am supremely happy for and will continue to support.
If you really hate the big distributers, sell the book your self as an e-pub directly and use some more social media or hire someone that can be a publicist for you. I mean, I would buy the book even if it was 20 bucks directly through you. I mean good reads, sci fi chatter, etc can carry sales.
I really like the series…just hope it doesn’t turn to crap thats all.
It’s not a matter of trying to maximize profits beyond what I can spend and/or need. Trust me, if that were the case I would be charging more, and then breaking them up into shorts for KU. It’s a matter of developing a stable, reliable income stream so that I can relax and concentrate all my efforts on the story, rather than the business.
You were in Seattle!? Man can’t believe I missed you. It would have been awesome to meet you and maybe even get you to sign my Kindle case. Should do a book signing some time. Loving episode 13 by the way.
As long as your books remained as great as they’ve been I’d pay up to $10-12 bucks if you sold it yourself or through Amazon. Since I switched to Kindle I’ve never paid more the $7 for a book but yours would be worth it!
Don’t worry. I plan on going back. In fact, I’m thinking about flying around meeting readers so I can offset my plane a bit!
Hi Ryk,
First, I have to say that I loved book 13. Some interesting turns which I am glad you made. It would be predictable for you to finish the story with the Alliance side gaining strength and finishing the fight. These twists and turns in the story are very good reading and makes it fun. I will pester you mid year as I am already waiting for book 14.
Again, I really enjoy your story and writing style.
On another note, I bought books 1 thru 11 through Audible. Since they were slow to publish books 12 and 13, I bought those through Kindle. The Audible books are around $11 each and the Kindle is $3.99. I assume that the dollars to the author are the same in each and the difference is due to the different business models. Can you let me know which business model is best for the ebook publisher and why?
I sold the audio rights to Tantor Media for the first 15 books. Unfortunately, they can’t start production until I’ve finished writing the book. So I’m left with the dilemma of either making the audiobook buyers wait, or make the Kindle readers wait. Kindle readers have the numbers, so…
When we start part two, the plan is to write the first 3 before we release anything, so that I can get all three versions out at the same time.
In regards to which business model is best I couldn’t tell you. I don’t see the sales numbers for the audio books enough to be able to make that decision. I would guess that the sales from Kindle versions far surpass audio books, though.
Hi Ryk. Have really enjoyed your books so far. I was interested in your comments about your pricing. I think you should increase the price on the Kindle store a little, say to 4.99 or even 5.99 just to make them look a bit less like the average self published, not so good mases of stuff that are now on Amazon.
You have an established readership now and need an entry level price rather less than earlier, also making a little more for yourself is always a good thing (note the word ‘little’). An experienced businessman I knew last century (now that makes me feel ancient) told me that in his business if he had charged just a dollar more per item, in his case the price was $7 then $8 then $9 over a decade and a bit, he would have been a millionaire, rather than just comfortable because that extra dollar was pretty much all profit.
And getting your books up out of the Amazon ruck would also be a good thing.
Just my 2c worth. I am a would be author myself so am very interested in your progress.
Hi Ryk,
Like others I have really enjoyed the series; however very disappointed that I can’t purchase on iBooks. Like the majority in Australia, iPad have 46% market share, this is the only format I use so it looks like I will have to revert to borrowing from my local library, the only positive is they are free.
Hello Ryk,
First, I want to thank you profusely on your inspiration and the wonderful books you write. Since High School, I have always wanted to write Sci-Fi. I would get a few pages in and get stuck on dialogue. I would have several people say that my writing style was very well and captivating. Reading your books and about you, along with certain comments of yours, has inspired me to write again and I believe that dialogue is no longer a problem for me. I remember a comment of yours once talking about the KDP and that you felt you wanted to change something about it. However, it was long ago and cannot recall the exact subject. I was thinking about signing up with KDP Select and I wanted to get your thoughts as well as how it has worked out for you. One major thing is the royalty options they provide. Which do you think is better? I am not a greedy person, and it is always about the creation and joy others feel. I don’t really care if my numbers are low, only if readers enjoy my book. The 35% option looks less frustrating and time consuming. Yet all the technical jargon can really do loops in a persons head. Since you have had some experience in this area, I was hoping you could shed some light and perspective. Thank you again.
Is the new pay per page Kindle Unlimited system going to help things? I recently discovered your wonderful books on Kindle Unlimited. I’m in love with Kindle Unlimited. Without Kindle Unlimited I either spend $75-100 a month on books or I go to local library (which will probably never have your books). I hate to think I’m not supporting authors but at the same time I’m not willing to spend $75+ a month on books. I’d be OK with Kindle Unlimited upping the amount I have to pay. They are charging $10 a month and I’d be willing to pay $30 or maybe even $50 but I’m pretty sure most people are not since they don’t read multiple books each week.
I guess I’m wondering if it is a hopeless model.
I don’t think it’s a hopeless model at all. Currently, the problem I have with it is that they pay the same for 1,000 word short story as they do for a 100,000 word novel. (The average is around $1.34.) So, I get paid for the read, but about 50% less than from a sale of the same book. I’ve been okay with that, as Kindle Unlimited has brought me considerably more readers. (As my series becomes longer, it becomes more difficult to get people to invest the time and money in reading it, which is one of the reasons that it will be broken into 5, standalone parts of 15 episodes each.)
I raised prices on books 4 and up, (books 1-3 were considerably shorter works) in order to offset the loss of income due to Kindle Unlimited. For the most part, it helped, but I still took a loss.
However, with the new system, that will no longer be the case. We still don’t know what the pay rate per page will be, nor the exact formula used to calculate pages, but I expect that this new system will bring some balance to the Kindle Unlimited market by paying a rate that is much closer to the amount earned by a normal sale. (At least for those whose pricing is within the market norms.) It will also attract more full-length novels. And because it rewards authors for writing stories that keep readers turning the pages, over time, it should improve the overall quality. (At least it will for the books in the upper ranks.)
So, enjoy Kindle Unlimited in the knowledge that every page you read puts a penny (or at least a fraction thereof, we shall see) into the author’s pocket. Amazon has every intention of making Kindle Unlimited work in the long run, and work in concert with books sales, in a way that works for all of us. And I’m okay with that.
Thanks for reply. It does make me feel a bit better. I’ll be sending some pennies your way as I tear through all your books. Love them so far! Pretty soon I’ll be with a bunch of others wanting to know when the next one is due out. 🙂
Another thing I hated about the old system was the author got full price when something like 10% of the book was read. I’ve had more than a few books that were awful but I read the first 15-20% hoping it would improve. I like the idea that in the future those authors get less because I gave up.
Too late! I’ve already invested so much in the series, I may as well purchase the rest since that will give me a complete set to come back to again. As to the disparity you objected to, we readers with KU get to hold on to ten items at a time. And a 10-page short takes up as much space on that “shelf” as a 3-book omnibus edition. Every time I have to clear space for a new addition, I have to consider the economics of buying a book I’ve already read. Woe is us readers.
I really enjoy your writing and eagerly await each new installment. While I want new books “NOW”, I don’t mind waiting when it means extra polish is added through the editing process. On the subject of outright sale versus borrowing on Kindle unlimited, I come down firmly on the side of outright purchase.
The prices charged for most e books are low enough as it is. I believe that authors are entitled to reasonable compensation for their creative work. If you can’t make it finacially viable, the books stop. I will continue to purchase my e books outright. (I am an Amazon Prime member, but don’t borrow).
Ryk, I’m really lucky I found your Frontiers Saga series…I have not been able to “put them down” ! With the end of Episode 13, I went looking for another space writer but, I can state without reservation, you are an THE story teller and I’ll just have to wait for Episode 14.
Since all of us here are committed Ryk Brown readers, I can recommend another author without worrying about Ryk losing any audience. H. Paul Honsinger writes space opera with the same great ear for dialog, characters, style and humor as Our Gracious Host. And, I have no skin in the game except that he, like Ryk, takes my money :-).
Love the series!!! I’m on my second reading…this time using immersion reading through my kindle…but I ran into a problem…only MOST of the books are checked for companion audible on Amazon
Missing are: Rings of Haven, Legend of the Corinair, Head of the Dragon, Born of Ashes, and Show of Force
Any chance you or the publisher can get these added for companion immersion reading through Amazon?
Ryk:I have every book of the Frontier Sage from Audible, I listen to your books as I drive, which is all the time in my line of business.
Waiting very impatiently for Episode 14. LOL
I enjoy the books a good deal.
Not sure I like the idea of killing off the Prince as he was a good guy, very few of those anywhere.
I just read all of your books. Incredible!. You’re a phenomenal writer, please keep it coming. From the notes here and other things I read in Forum posts, I understand it may be a while for more as you work out your timing. The Netcasts are a great filler for now, but can’t wait to sink my teeth into more.
I hope you’re trying to expose some of this to film media. Would love to see in a series on one of the new media platforms that stream. You’re story Ihs rock solid.
I’m a fan – write and i’ll buy it. Thanks for your dedication!
I have now power read through the first 13 episodes after Amazon suggested the Episode 1-3 “pack” on my kindle. Were it not for Amazons suggestions based on what I typically read, which is a rather diverse genre range, I likely would not have found what I’ve decided is an absolutely spectacular si-fi series. Ready to start episode 14 tonight, but am not looking forward to reach that last page as it no doubt will leave me wishing 15 was there waiting.
Hi Ryk,
I really like the books and have bought all of them through Amazon and I agree that their platform is great for now – but after 3 years of selling on Amazon and working with Google etc I couldn’t read this without just saying – be careful relying on Amazon, they are monsters and can not be trusted to look after small suppliers – they WILL screw you over for a few dollars… I’m sure other people with experience of selling to Amazon will agree, i’d recommend finding another platform to give you some options if you can…
I expect any vendor to screw me over for a dollar. That is the nature of the corporate world. However, none of the other vendors provide as good of a marketplace as Amazon does. Not by a long shot. And they too would screw me over for a dollar.
The problem isn’t Amazon, it’s the other vendors. Amazon wants me to sell books, because they know that if I do, they make money. The plain fact that Amazon allows you to scroll through and explore page after page of titles in whatever genre you desire, and that the other vendors do not, (they only show you what THEY think will sell) is evidence of that fact. The other vendors do not see the glory of digital self-publishing, in that EVERYONE gets a shot. Instead, they act just like traditional publishing, and try to be gatekeepers, telling you what you should be buying/reading.
The fact of the matter is that staying exclusive to Amazon for the time being is the most effective strategy for me. (Not necessarily for everyone.) Yes, I could sell through other platforms, but I would be earning half as much overall (including Amazon). More importantly, I would be gaining new readers at only half the rate. Could I afford to live on that reduced income? Sure. But I would not be able to produce books as quickly, because more of my time would be spent in (rather unproductive) efforts market to all the different platforms, and I would have less money with which to pay additional editors. I also would not have the funds to continue to develop this website.
The old adage of ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ isn’t always true. I doubt very seriously that I will stay exclusive with Amazon forever. But for now, it’s the best, and safest place to put my eggs.
I recall you writing that you were going to space out the Frontiers Saga episodes a bit more to give you some more time (to breathe) between them. I read #14 when it came out and what just wondering what the schedule was for #15. Also, you noted in a comment a few months ago that you were planning to do three sets of 15 episodes/books each. Since this next one must wrap up this set, I can’t help but ask if the other sets will involve the same characters you’ve developed for the Saga so far, take place in the same period, or leap forward or back a century or two?
I found the Netcast flashbacks very interesting, as they filled in the back story, even though we didn’t get to learn who was the evil genius behind the viruses or why he felt it was his call to do a biblical-like reset on humanity. I’m sure it’s crossed you mind to provide excerpts from his manifesto, as those types of individuals (real world) seems to always have a manifesto that they believe explains (and perhaps exonerates) their actions to the world.
Anyway, like many others, I’ve enjoyed reading the Saga and look forward to reading many more of your works.
I’m hoping for a late November release for #15. At worst, early December.
Main characters will be in every part, along with some of the secondary characters. Exactly how much time will have elapsed between parts is unknown at this point, but will always be at least a few years.
The Fall of the Core is unfinished. I decided to wait until after I finished part 1 to continue with it, and I will make it into a full novel instead of a serial of shorts. Probably a release early in 2016.
I’ve really enjoyed the Fall of the Core stories as well and can’t wait to read more!
Thank you for all your hard work. It’s so nice (and rare) to sit and drift off to an imaginary place and time and be so engrossed in a truly great story and well written work!
Anxiously awaiting more….
Dislike typos: Third line “was” not “what”
Second paragraph, third line: “your” not “you”
Second paragraph, fourth line: “seem” not “seems”
What can I say, there’s no editing feature… 🙂
I for one enjoyed the format of the serial for the “Fall of the Core” adventure. Will look forward for the entire novel. I like the idea of side stories as a serial format, may provide more details for some readers as well. Even selling them for 50cents or 99cents would be worth it for many. Great work so far, almost finished with book 15, when do you expect the next part to start and what will it cover time wise?
Just finished last book of part 1 and noticed I have to wait a bit longer so you can build a pipeline.
I will probably get withdrawell signs by waiting longer but I will gladly suffer this. The reward is a second series of enormously entertaining books. But one request please do not kill Nathan…that would break my heart. Just keep doing what you do so well and I will keep buying your series.
Thank you for your efforts.
Tom, in the Netherlands.
Hi Ryk,
How is Kindle Unlimited working out for you now? I have been reading all your books with my subscription as well as lots of others. I think I read a lot more than I would if I had to buy the books (before Kindle Unlimited I mostly borrowed through my library with Overdrive).
I would like to know whether the authors are getting paid reasonably for the books I read – if not I will reconsider the subscription.
Sir…………..Thank you. From the first to the most recent, your books and Saga writings have been a joy.
My Best……Richard Franchi
Sir…………You are and excellent writer. I look forward, and enjoy, any book or saga written by you.
Best…..Richard Franchi
Love your work!